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07/22/16 12:12 PM

#67256 RE: kabunushi #67252

What is it that you don't get. Austin is attempting to call out the obvious.....this board needs to be fair and balanced and not only the rah rah of cheerleaders saying the Emperor has his clothes on when it appears that sometimes he might be half dressed.
How can any shareholder be confident with this stock, how could any shareholder feel comfortable without info and the only info that he might have is based on intuition or DD that hasn't been corroborated in any way close to certainty.
There is huge risk now, this is no sure thing. The company has been run as a private company from day one imho. Whether the science is sound or not it is all a combo of speculation and snipers from mgmt and from the doctors and the patients. How can anyone be certain of anything.
I want to believe that patients on DCVAX is living longer, i want to believe the DCVAX cures cancer in mice and in humans or at minimum extends human life for a long time without any side effects. If what I want to believe turns out to be true then we all win but if the company is managed improperly then no matter how good the science might be our company won't be able to take it o market and benefit from it's devilment and the shareholders will ultimately end up losing. their investment. Remember good products controlled by bad mgmt is as bad as bad products controlled by good mgmt. You need both firing on all cylinders. I want to believe that the current mgmt is good and can take their product to market, that would be a win for all involved from patients to investors and that is what I am hoping for and why I am in full.
But the discussion here needs to take both schools of thought into account, not just the one side that we all want to believe. How many shareholders have lost their shirts in biotech. I believe Austin wants us to see the good , the bad and the ugly and is willing to be disliked ignorer the bad & ugly get a voice.