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07/20/16 10:33 PM

#244998 RE: player1234 #244997

It's not a surprise that at the very real end, those who held out hope for a crumb of what was lost are only left holding the bag. What's left in the bag is exactly what was being sold.

I hope after all this people realize beyond the shadow of doubt that they were being jerked around by people they probably considered friend in the context of the message board. Those people preyed upon that fact and profited at their expense over and over again. Any case that would have been presented would have been thrown out because of the language in the proxy and the numbers which were reported and should have been what was used to make the investing decision. The information that was deemed by many on this board by the mere appearance on this board would be deemed as unreliable because of the venue.

The first line of your post tells it all. Look at the type of information that posters was trying to pump and tell me you want that organizing this sort of action.

This to me looks like it was a distraction to buy time and frustrate those who actually thought something was going to happen, and eventually just get it to the point where they just fade away. The silence on the boards after the initial uproar leads me to believe it worked. Just my gut feeling.

Player it's been a real pleasure over the years to interact with you and read your post's over the years. I check the boards so rarely anymore that I can see the writing's on the wall that nobody cares anymore.