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07/23/03 3:05 PM

#342 RE: Snackman #336

snackman62, thanks for the report. eom


07/23/03 3:06 PM

#343 RE: Snackman #336

Thanks for keeping us informed. Every little bit helps.

PS Was Carly sitting on the other side of Barge?


07/23/03 3:16 PM

#347 RE: Snackman #336


No strategic partner investment.
No finread anytime soon because of the banks.
Some part of the TCG deployment has slipped into next year.
And plan A for the needed 5 million is sale of assets. They have about 10 weeks to fully close such a deal...

Did I sum that up right for the short term??

Thanx for the info!!


07/23/03 3:17 PM

#348 RE: Snackman #336

Snackman, thank you very much for letting us in on your meeting with SKS.

The best part of your post is the answer to why we need additional financing after we were told that revenues would be enough to bridge the gap. A bit dissapointing but at least he said he isn't trying to raise the additional money through more dilution.

I found SKS's responses realistic, something I wish we got more of during CC's instead of a view through rose colored glasses, but thats just my opinion.

What I'd like to know, which is more of a rehtorical question, is that assuming what SKS says about Wave being the glue that holds TCG together and that Wave tech will be in a million PC's a month starting in 2004, and that we are on a short list of tech providers to the Dod etc etc etc, with 2004 only 6 months away, why are we $0.07 from our 52 week low?

I guess to answer my own question, Wave is running out of money and the additional revenue has not been secured and we have not heard of any DEFINITE news that we will be deploying in any PC's, but I guess I'm just amazed/confused that the street hasn't picked up on the impending success of Wave.

I guess at this point there are to many unknowns for the street to make a commitment. But one of my major sources of irratation is the continued disconnect between what SKS says will happen and the ripeness of the market for Wave's tech and the reflection of that potential, or lack of, in the share price. I guess I just expect the street to be a bit more savvy. Maybe they are, but are waiting for the final chips to fall into place.

Anway, thanks again for the post Snackman, truly appreicated at a time like this when we are all on pins and needles.



07/23/03 3:44 PM

#357 RE: Snackman #336

Snackman, dynamite report! Thanks. e/


07/23/03 3:57 PM

#365 RE: Snackman #336

Snackman...Compliments on the report...and a Question...

You report Stephen as saying that Infineon and National ARE (emphasize present tense) prime it your take that he's saying that we're actually shipping with Infineon NOW???
And if so...via whose boxes...HP??? Others???

TIA for any clarification you can offer...

november 4th

07/23/03 5:06 PM

#391 RE: Snackman #336


That was an excellent and timely report. Thank you! Although, and I say this as benignly as possible, without malice or ill intent, but even though almost everything SKS has ever projected about the future has been stated convincingly with a strong tone of confidence, lifting the hopes of investors, for all intent and purposes has time and again, failed to come to pass. That's not an opinion but a fact. Some of it I'm sure was due to circumstances beyond the control of SKS. However, I am equally sure that SKS often spoke too capriciously during CC's and privately.

It's always good to be optimistic when it's well founded. However, when there's a myraid of loose ends and loose talk involved, possibly affecting the lives of thousands of people, one should be careful and prudent with what one says. Hopefully, SKS has not damaged his respect and credibility with business relationships as he has with some if not many investors.

Anyway, for now it appears our hopes are still alive.

OM Intel Namah



07/23/03 8:04 PM

#404 RE: Snackman #336

thanks snackman(62?)for the summary.eom.


07/23/03 8:27 PM

#408 RE: Snackman #336

Thank you for your report. You must have been exhausted after that day and the return trip home!
How is Barge?
I have a question.
You said that Steven said we will be shipping a million units a month next year. Could you or anyone please tell me specifically what a "unit" is? What does it comprise or exactly what is it that we are shipping that we call a "unit"?
I have an idea, but as an anal engineer, I hate guessing and I prefer specifics.
I know, with this investment we have to do a lot more guessing and speculating, which has driven me slowly mad over the past five plus years! lol!!!!!
Again, thank you for your wonderful post and being a sharing person. I cannot say enough about how much your hard work is appreciated.
My best,


07/23/03 10:18 PM

#423 RE: Snackman #336

This IS the most ridiculous thing I have ever read about this stock.

Snackman writes: "He reiterated we are the glue that holds TCG together. Without Wave there would be no TCG. He says the others do not understand what Wave has developed. They are in the dark as to what is needed and what we have."

The first two sentences are totally negated by the last two sentences. SKS basically says, "We are it, but no one knows what we do."

Laughing out loud!

If you are long this stock and don't think SKS just admitted that he is living in a dream world, then you are out of your mind.

Mbledug Dewe

07/24/03 6:11 AM

#459 RE: Snackman #336


remember the vision I received during my meditation???



07/24/03 10:23 AM

#493 RE: Snackman #336

So Snacks,

SOL is on the blocks. Intersting and thanks. Also,

He reiterated we are the glue that holds TCG together. Without Wave there would be no TCG. He says the others do not understand what Wave has developed. They are in the dark as to what is needed and what we have.

How can Wave deploy 1m units a month and not have anyone know what they do? How can we have several OEMs deploy Wave when they "do not understand what Wave has developed"?

Is SKS referring to the "other" OEMs that are not on board? And if so, after meeting with these people and helping form the TCG, ISTPA and TCPA groups for many, many years...what was his explanation of "why" they didn't understand. Isn't he supposed to educate them so they DO understand?


07/24/03 6:33 PM

#604 RE: Snackman #336

Great job SNACKMAN!! I have been avoiding RB and I'm glad I had some time to surf today and found this site. I have been accumulating WAVX under $1.00 and now have more confidence then ever that we will be successful.
Keep up the good work!
See you in Vegas.

soros man

07/24/03 8:09 PM

#612 RE: Snackman #336

Hi Snackman. SOROSMAN here. Your post was Very Interesting.

Needless to say, I agree with your sentiments 100%. Obviously, I have been methodically been buying stock over the last three years, and I cannot believe the total number of shares I now own. Quite incredible.

Always thought STM would be a partner. Check out my posts going back to 1999. My bet is that an Asian company will be the first big deployment partner. could be NSM and some other American entities as well.....but I have a hunch it is going to be an Asian gorilla to get things rolling.

Wave will be BIG at some juncture. Never thought it would take this long. But look what the world has been through since 9/11.
Oh well....

SOROSMAN knows the score. Wave is on course. Many of the "whiners" on the various boards are a bunch of "market manipulators". Not much one can do about it in the short run.

Remember the travails that Intel had in the late 70s/early 80s. Alot of people thought that the Asians were going to bury Intel. WRONG!!!!

SOROSMAN says hang tough. Things will start accelerating here.



07/12/04 7:24 PM

#47067 RE: Snackman #336

SO Snack, is that the story yer sticking with?!?

Public Reply / Private Reply / Keep / Last Read Replies (14) / Next 10 / Previous / Next
Posted by: Snackman
In reply to: None

Date:7/23/2003 2:53:58 PM
Post #of 47059

To All,

Last night we had a private room at a great restaurant in San Francisco. Steven talked to us for four hours. This was a small group of investors, about 9 to be exact. Other than Barge, me and XAM, the others do not post on the boards.
These are only my impressions and I will gladly welcome corrections from XAM and Barge.
I sat next to Steven and Barge was on the other side of him. I could not get in a word edgewise because Barge kept talking to Steven about WEB Services. Actually this is a joke.
I got in a lot of questions as did XAM and Barge. In four hours a lot can be discussed. I keep hammering him on finances and here is my impression on what he said.
He said that a SP investment is probably not going to happen. The reasons given were that it is very difficult for a company to invest in a Public company. They have guidelines, committees and a lot of bureaucracy involved with it comes to investing in public companies. Now, if we were a private company, the deal would be much easier to do. I don’t think it is going to happen but would be surprised and happy if it did.
He admitted that we probably need between 4-5 million dollars, in the short term, to take us where enough revenues will kick in satisfy our burn rate, which by the way, is coming down as fast as they can manage it. His goal right now is to get that short-term money without having any dilution, Zero. In order to do that he needs to get the money from the sale of assets. I got the impression that sale SOL is the best possibility and that other things are in the works such as finding a buyer for our SSP stock. He would love to see SSP bought out. He mentioned that with our holdings, anyone of the other major holders of the stock could take over the company if they so desired. We are the swing stockholders of SSP stock that could make the deal happen. He said we still have good relationships with SSP.
I asked him about Maximus and DoD. He was give permission to show us a slide where it listed companies that were able to do business with the Govt. Unless you are on this list it is not possible. The list was headed by Northrop Grumman and many other names you would recognize. These companies hope to have a plan for security by April 2004. That is the first deadline they imposed on themselves. (I hope I have this right). We were right in the middle of only about 10 companies.
Back to financing. I got the impression that he is not worried about raising funds before October. I asked him why we need more money now when we were told that the last funding should carry us to the end of the year with projected revenues. He said some of the deployment by the OEMs is being pushed into Q1 of 2004, NOT ALL, but some. But on the bright side, he expects to be shipping 1 million units a month next year.

There will be MANY PC OEM’s deploying our Tech in the box before the end of the year. The numbers will really gear up in 2004.
Infinion and National are prime sellers and he mentioned STMicro as a strong contender to be coming on board.
I told him some insider buying would go along way with regards to the moral of the stockholders and to the street. He said that some insiders have been trying to buy for the last four months but their lawyers have not let them do it because with material news coming out it would look like they bought on inside information.
I got the impression that we will get an announcement next week. He said we would get one more than a week from now and less than 6 months. I would bet a lot of money on next Wednesday or Thursday. I do not know how good it will be but I believe we will get something. I think the announcement could be regarding SOL but that’s just my guess.
He said he was in the Bay area to work with a company that is working with HP on touch computer screens for voting. Barge and I did not buy this explanation as to why he was in California. We think there were other reasons but he could not talk about it. Again, that’s just Barges' and my opinion.
He reiterated we are the glue that holds TCG together. Without Wave there would be no TCG. He says the others do not understand what Wave has developed. They are in the dark as to what is needed and what we have. He felt as soon as HP deployed enough units along with IBM that all the others will fall into place. The reason he said they don’t understand it is because the box makers are only selling boxes and they don’t understand what is inside to make them work. They are only interested how much each screw costs. He seemed very confident we have begun the rollout and that it will only increase as time goes on to the tune of a million units a month next year. I believe he said the only difference between a trusted computer and one that is not, is about $25.00. Which one would you buy?

Oh yes, two more things. We talked about putting a shareholder on the BOD. There are positives and negatives. The positive is that it would make a great story in the Wall Street Journal and the negative is that it would not play well with institutions and major partners.

NEC. Seems FINREAD is a long way off and we have the only working unit. The Banks are not moving fast enough in this direction. However, he believes NEC will be interested in TCG though out the area they service and that this will happen before FINREAD.
The Compac/HP deal with Israel is still there but in limbo due to EDS. I got the impression it will happen but the time line is unknown by everyone.
As I keep trying to end this post another thought came up. There is no way Wave will be bought out now at this stage of their development. A buyout possibility will only occur after millions have been deployed and we are running cash positive. I totally agree with this assessment. Again, the POSSIBILITY will be there at that point in time, it does not meen it will happen then or ever.
As Barge and I drove round trip from Los Angeles to San Francisco and did not get home until 5:00 A.M., I am sure that I will remember more things when I wake up and will put them up.
I will say this. My son was there, and he had never heard Steven speak. He is 31 years old and owns a lot of Wave, for better or for worse. He told me, and this was unsolicited, that if he did not own Wave, he would go out and buy it the next day after listen to Steven for four hours last night.
That’s all for now.


08/18/04 10:54 AM

#51268 RE: Snackman #336

Snack -- how do you know how many e-mails SKS gets?



11/11/05 10:08 AM

#101109 RE: Snackman #336

edit: i too believe you heard it somewhere.

in fact, you posted that SKS disclosed it to you (& 8 others) at the SF wavoid dinner in the July 2003 post to which i've replied:

He was give [sic] permission to show us a slide where it listed companies that were able to do business with the Govt. Unless you are on this list it is not possible. The list was headed by Northrop Grumman and many other names you would recognize.

do you recall who it was that give [sic] SKS "permission" to make that dislosure?



you wrote:

Posted by: Snackman
In reply to: SPIN who wrote msg# 101087

Date: 11/11/2005 10:13:10 AM
Post #
Sorry to disappoint you but that is not where I heard it nor did I ever see any names on any list. There was something on the computer screen, but I was to far away to see it.


post #336 speaks for itself.

He was give [sic] permission to show us a slide where it listed companies that were able to do business with the Govt. Unless you are on this list it is not possible. The list was headed by Northrop Grumman and many other names you would recognize.

you also wrote in post #101089:

I was to far away to see it.

from post # 336:

I sat next to Steven and Barge was on the other side of him.


07/23/06 2:48 PM

#126092 RE: Snackman #336

"regarding future revenues"

pure nonsense -- how will they pay for future R&D, product support, marketing, advertising, dist. channel costs, etc.?

from all the non-existent upgrades?

maybe from the $40M in Dell revs?