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07/14/16 11:53 AM

#57509 RE: nazulya #57507

Aahhh you were talking about an specific instance...last run up.

Discussion closed.

My point is made here. Back your statements up. We all know about dilution going on.


07/14/16 11:55 AM

#57511 RE: nazulya #57507

for me that is the end of the story and subject is closed. IMO

Good - let's close the subject

Today's volume is huge so far - more than 10% greater than total float - and we are only 2.5 hours into the trading day! Great day for SunWorks. IMO


07/14/16 12:18 PM

#57515 RE: nazulya #57507

It was all disclosed in these links....

The Alpha links info you provided come from home-sitting backyard investors.

They are far from reliable and professional investors have recommend to keep a safe distance from their content.

Do you have any mainstream info sources you can use to piece together support for the claim because nobody has been able to substantiate any of that info... even today.


07/14/16 1:12 PM

#57526 RE: nazulya #57507


Sunworks has a history of dilution and it will have more. However, the effects of prospective dilution are (a) not that bad even in the worst case, given the company's growth trajectory, and (b) largely offset by income from creating shares. You may or may not like the company for other reasons, but the prospect of dilution shouldn't turn you off from investing in SUNW.

The Conclusion above is from one of the links you posted

I tend to agree with the conclusion listed above. Even the author feels the "jig is not up" here. Over time, as the company continues its current path of growth, this will become a non issue, even for the shorts.

Naz, did you sell in todays run up? I show the high was 2.92 earlier.. a perfect chance for someone to sell out that is tired of waiting, wanting to minimize their loses, and perfect for someone that thought it would never hit 2.77 ever again. If you had a sell order placed, surely it executed.. did it?