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07/10/16 2:48 PM

#173491 RE: domainmaster #173490

I get the booing (Not that I would), he is the enemy at this point, and I never seen a player literally assault a team like this before.

I get that the mets would of never made the world series without him, but he is on the team that is stopping us from winning the division, should we be cheering for him as he destroys us.

I don't get the people about signing murphy.

You weren't non tendering Duda who hit almost 60 homers the last two years. So you had him at 1b.

You traded for walker for jonathan niese and look at the season niese is having right now. That is a good trade anyway you cut it. And walker has been decent.

Cabrera you signed and he has had a very good season.

Wright was your starting 3b, and you had flores as a backup. There was no room for murphy here. Now we didn't know wright and Duda were gonna go down. The duda injury is the one that has really hurt in my opinion, because flores was there for 1 guy. Mets made up for it with loney trade who has really helped and bringing in reyes and Johnson fixed the problem to a degree. But still missing duda is huge in my opinion.

Murphy hit 14 homers last year, Did I think he could hit 15-20 this year and hit 300 with a 350 obp I believed that was possible and what I expected. What I nor the mets expected that murph has reinvented himself and turned himself into a 25-30 homer guy and a 350 BA guy.

I have to be honest I wouldn't of brought murph back myself, I liked the walker trade and there was no place for him. I think the DP combo of walker and cabrera has turned more dp and I don't miss what I had to go through the last 5 year with who ever was at SS and murph manning 2b. Now too things I didn't account for Duda going down, and murph turning into a vastly superior hitter then he has ever been. I mean no offense to muph but he never showed he was this kind of player except a small sample size in the post season.