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06/26/16 6:16 AM

#11269 RE: patopinion #11268


What was the bible said about the meek? I think it said the meek

shall rule the world. Look at what is happening in Venzuaela when

they have nothing they being in the majority take from those who

have. Kind of sounds like the democratic platform to me.

If countries want to go to war who am I to tell them what to do? I

am not the monitor of the world. I think the U.S. has their nose

into more things than they should. I agree with having a superior

military, and like Truman if they don't believe we will nuke your

ass then nuke them. If you don't trust me they will eventually

take over and you will see the total end to freedom.

Since when did the government obtain the authority to tell people

they can't say God? More wars are fought over religion than

monetary benefits.

I applaud England for withdrawing. They don't need other countries

telling them what they can do. Truthfully we almost need a

revolution in this country. Our politicians are not representing

us but themselves/ Do you think Bill Clinton can give a 20 minute

speech and get paid $750,000 and the party that paid it expect

nothing? What can he say that is worth any damn thing. You better

wake up and see exactly what you have lost since you was a child

as far as your rights.
