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06/23/16 12:13 PM

#84770 RE: Rookiemove #84769

Big news coming.

DJ Ponder

06/23/16 1:07 PM

#84776 RE: Rookiemove #84769

Did you read through all of that trade data garbage?
Did it not seem overly excessive?
Page after page of preferred this common that converted this reduced that, issued this , and this and that, in consideration of this, that and the other thing.
Cmon man who pulls that kind of excessively confusing convoluted bullshit and more importantly WHY? Lol
Mr. Obvious arrive here yet?
But it gets better.
All of that along with having a gagged transfer agent !
The ceo had the gall to state the ta gag order was because of a per call fee due to harrassment!

I mean it just gets more ridiculous every day.