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06/04/16 9:34 AM

#63708 RE: Doc logic #63706

I'm sure it is, and yes, but have you read the Hemingway tale? That's how things like that usually go ;)

Maybe it's because I've never had to experience cancer first hand that I'm so cold about data. No family or friends have had it, fortunately (it's just dumb luck genetics if you don't smoke or aren't a fat lazy slob, imo--although women would be much better off having lots of babies in their early 20s, if reducing cancer risk is their number one concern). There was this one guy though. Very cool dude. Had stage IV RCC, lung mets. I was remodeling their bath for him to have handicap access shower, etc. He was a work horse of a guy, but then just 120 lbs. He had this "cold" he thought that he just couldn't kick. Just kept getting more and more congested. Finally he started coughing up blood, and went to a specialist. They came back with bad news.

I made him a bunch of pot brownies (he loved them) and printed out all of the CI combo trials I could find that he might qualify for. He died a few months later.

So that was sad. That was only a year ago too. Of course I'd love to see cancer beat. But will I overextend logic and pretend we've found it when we haven't really come close yet? No. And I despise these small companies that basically use cancer patients and newbie investors looking to get rich quick to fund their god awful trials--and whatever else they do with the money (like build up a side biz). I think that all gets in the way of meeting the real goal--to beat cancer.

I think about Woody's $100mm handed to NWBO as a private place, and it was just BLOWN... Blown! How many better therapies could have been given a shot with that? Instead it went to Cogante, mostly. That's disgusting. They had around 220-240 randomized when he started pumping it in. They managed to get to 300 with all that cash. That doesn't make you mad?

Maybe people's desire for cancer to be beat and beat quick, combined with their desire to get rich quick, gets in the way of good judgement. Especially if they're new to this sector and especially if they have much that is personal on the line. I wouldn't trust them for anything. They are the most uninformed while most biased people in the world (well, second only to fundamentalists).

Happy weekend.