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06/03/16 8:11 AM

#63598 RE: hopefulsurgonc #63592

Thanks for responding and I have huge respect for you dealing with the far more real side of this treatment and not just as an investor. And getting your perspective as a professional is very reassuring to somebody like me who has no idea what it's like for you guys on the front lines in the clinic.

My analysis is by necessity focused on stuff like financial analysis and trying to figure out what gets us out of the financial risk which could be as bad as existential risk for the company in the worst case if things don't move forward. Of course I'm expecting forward progress soon enough but in the meantime it's a scary proposition. I hate to even talk about how greedy I get looking at the current price and thinking about how far the stock could move with just a little bit more solid news like even starting a phase 2 combination trial and/or the enrollment hold on the ph 3 trial being removed and some update on when data can be expected. But really I just feel very dirty in even discussing that with you because my motivation is solely greed for personal gain and so removed from the suffering you are trying to mitigate on a daily basis and the real nobility of that work and motivation vs simple greed which is all that motivates me to be perfectly honest. And nothing wrong with that, it is what it is.
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06/03/16 8:12 AM

#63599 RE: hopefulsurgonc #63592

Yes-real people are being caught in the crossfire-cancer and politics is not a good mix.
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06/03/16 8:33 AM

#63608 RE: hopefulsurgonc #63592

Hey hopeful, did you ever watch that series "Lost?" You remind me of the lead character Jack.

Anyway, there's this story of a boy who saw thousands of star fish washed up on the shore after a storm, and one by one he kept picking them up and throwing them into the ocean. A wise old man came up to him and said,

"Boy, what are you doing? Look down the shore--there are thousands of them! You cannot save them all."

After hearing what the wise old man said with a starfish half-alive in his hand, he hurled it into the sea and looked back and said,

"I saved THAT one!" And on he went.

I appreciate people like you, people unlike me.

But really, do you think DCVax-Direct data are all that impressive? Do you think NWBO is really a good investment here?

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06/03/16 1:03 PM

#63646 RE: hopefulsurgonc #63592

I can tell you first hand most medical oncologists are not sophisticated enough to see through what the media is saying about it.

I have no problem believing this as well.

Practicing physicians are very busy people as well; and they, along with many of us, are probably apt to not realize the media is also often spun (think Obama's Ben Rhodes).