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06/02/16 9:53 PM

#7535 RE: 4u2nv2 #7533

Harmonic bought the licensing from Kouei for the "exclusive rights to North American and Europe ..... for the Tyrolysis Technology. "

Klean has said they plan on expanding their operations to North America and Europe, where Harmonic holds the exclusive rights....

I wonder how they (klean) can operate there if someone else (asuv) holds the exclusive rights to the technology they want to use?


06/02/16 10:07 PM

#7538 RE: 4u2nv2 #7533

The logo being the same would be expected since Harmonic has been the equivalent of the North American "franchise" of the parent company Kouei who owns the technology and licenses it to Harmonic for a fee ($175,000 already paid) and royalties on future sales although none have materialized yet. This is all spelled out in the 10q released on 5/31/2016 for Harmonic Q1. Connecting the dots...Kouei is owned by KLEAN as previous DD already posted has indicated.
So as I see it....the partnership aspect with KLEAN is already established and in place. No announcement needed. But what IS needed is REVENUE!!!
The R/M...if happens...would bring this partnership to an end. Then I believe Harmonic disappears and a new symbol and company is formed where KLEAN is then public with a fully vertical operation without the need for an outside partner like Harmonic in its current form for North America. JMO post R/M if it happens.


06/03/16 11:29 AM

#7565 RE: 4u2nv2 #7533

I AM IN...Been saying the tree would be shaken right before this happens....of course maybe it does not happen...nothing is a sure thing...but i still believe it happens..and shaking of the tree is a nice way to get out a lot of us..not me..i am in it to WIN IT ..OR LOSE IT...CASE CLOSED.


06/03/16 6:54 PM

#7616 RE: 4u2nv2 #7533

Yep seen that too. I think Mann picked up Harmonic just so Klean could do an RM. With it. I think this was planed a long time ago. ;)