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05/29/16 2:12 PM

#108578 RE: MOONSHOT #108577

Yes I'm saying that Rockwell Capital LLC is dumping shares that should be restricted. They are abusing the 3(a)10 exemption as the SEC made clear to IBC Funds LLC who used the exemption the same exact way

According to that link in order to sell shares received as part of a 3(a)10 exemption the company (Rockwell Capital LLC) is required to register as a Broker/Dealer.

I checked and Rockwell Capital LLC is not a registered Broker/Dealer.

Robert P Depalo was a licensed broker, but as I mentioned he is the the middle of a Civil law suit filed by the SEC and a Criminal law suit filed by the DOJ.

Paying off existing debt/liablities from a balance sheet in exchange for discounted free trading stock using exemption 3(a)10 is a little bit different than providing a loan to a company than letting that loan age appropriately then calling for repayment of the loan in stock.

But no, Gemini can't take Rockwell to court. GMNI signed the agreement to issue free trading stock to Rockwell Capital LLC in exchange for Rockwell Capital LLC paying off liabilities from the balance sheet. Whether they understand the situation or not they are not innocent in the situation. They signed the agreement. They agreed to give Rockwell Capital LLC discounted free trading stock in exchange for Rockwell helping them clean up their balance sheet some. There is a pretty good chance that some of that cash they received from Rockwell went towards paying expenses owed to the officers of the company.

The GNMI filings are extremely vague. They seem to be saying that Rockwell paid off a balance owed for the purchase of Vapor Union

But the only reference to Vapor Union in the filings says they acquired some product line from Vapor Union in exchange for 300,000,000 shares (no cash was part of the transaction so no cash should have been owed). That share exchange is how Christopher Cox became the CEO and controlling shareholder of GMNI. So is the $47,500 going into Christopher Cox's pocket to pay expenses owed to him?

The Rockwell Capital LLC transaction isn't the only suspicious recent transaction that has caused the market to be flooded with new free trading stock (dilution). We also have some recent transaction where a $60,000 convertible debt Note magically appeared because of some unpaid services provided by Pat Thomas from 2014

Again the GMNI are extremely vague and I could find no mention Pat Thomas or of the $60,000 Note in any GMNI filings until it magically appeared on March 21, 2016. They don't even list any $60,000 debt from September 2014 in the debt section of any of the filings:

Yet some how on March 21, 2016 a portion of that debt that magically appeared out of thin air became 20,000,000 free trading shares owned by River North Equity LLC (Edward M Liceaga)

Those 20,000,000 shares got dumped into the market and the price fell from $.0129/share on March 21st to the $.003/share range.

Now you have free trading stock issued to Rockwell Capital LLC hitting the market and the price as recently fallen even more to the $.001s because of it.

Lots of funny business going on with GMNI and whether anybody gets in trouble for it or not it is extremely obvious that GMNI is in the process of dumping tons of new shares into the market.