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05/28/16 2:32 PM

#63995 RE: frrol #63993

I would think if there were microbial residues buried in the AB they would have ascertained this long ago. That's my layman's POV.

If we can get 3 years of data on a full 32pts, without serious AEs, that will be a miracle itself, IMO.

The theory that all diseases are immune-related is very old. Not getting any easier to decipher. This stuff is all cellular receptor-related and maddeningly complex.

plexrec: The increased expression of creativity (which is not necessarily a "lost skill") does not equate to a decrease in the level of dementia. My assessment of the S1R effects was as simple as I could make it. Drawing, dancing, singing, screwing on a cloud makes not one iota of difference to the regulators. It is not a measure of dementia, perhaps rather a sign thereof, in there eyes...mostly.