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05/27/16 9:17 PM

#108570 RE: exlud #108569

Looks like GMNI is in the process of creating new free trading stock using an illegal 3(a)10 exemption with Rockwell Capital Partners LLC.

Rockwell Capital Partners LLC has probably already started dumping some of those shares into the market

Rockwell appears to be using the 3(a)10 exemption the same way that IBC Funds LLC was using the 3(a)10 exemption before the SEC put a stop to IBC Funds scheme:

Like IBC Funds LLC, Rockwell Capital Partners LLC is paying off debt/liabilities from the balance sheet of publicly traded companies like GMNI in exchange for discounted free trading stock. A big no no.

Rockwell Capital Partners LLC is run by Robert P. DePalo

As this SEC Complaint from March 20, 2015 shows, Robert P DePalo has a recent history of Securities Fruad

According to the SEC release, the New York County District Attorney's Office has announced criminal charges against DePalo

I'm pretty sure FINRA and the SEC would frown down upon bad actors like Robert DePalo being involved in publicly traded companies like GMNI