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05/27/16 8:27 AM

#56289 RE: robotgeek #56275

Real shareholders are here because the tech is real. GOSY constantly at the top of the list in 3rd party market research reports on service robotics.

GOSY's SafePath is the only commercially viable AI navigation system on the market. Once it is used in a couple of products GOSY will have so much business they won't know what to do first.

In addition, SafePath is portable to any locomotion system newer than a horse an buggy and any suite of sensors appropriate to the application. This means subs, wheelchairs, land rovers & drones in addition to the CareBot.


05/27/16 8:34 AM

#56290 RE: robotgeek #56275

I published some of those "personal attacks". My DD revealed that Wallace was involved in creating a golf course out of toxic waste (fly ash) in the middle of a residential area. He was CEO of a "combustion management" company and should have known the stuff was dangerous but he was too stupid to wear a respirator while handling it and he and at least one other employee got cancer from the stuff - call him Anything for Money Wallace.

Yes, his family is involved:

The Russian Mob is involved in OTC manipulaton. I did DD on behalf of GeckoSystems and found a group of Florida business men, involved in repeated scams, some OTC, some not. Two of these men seem to have direct or familial ties to Russia

One was an American named Reed Wallace who was directly tied to a prostitution service for American Ex-Pats in Moscow. You can't do that without the Mob's consent. Once back in the U.S. he was associated with multiple "business enterprises" (some real, some shady) almost always with two business partners listed blow.

Konstantin Leviev, appears to be a relative of Lev Leviev, friend of Putin, called the "world's richest Jew" in the press, he founded his fortune on blood diamonds. Reed Wallace was/is on the board of the controversial Leviev foundation, the directors can no longer be found, see screen grab.
The above post also connects Reed Wallace with a Lee Balak via Power Technology. Balack is connected with CKIM diamonds.

Benjamin Schiff , founded a "generic drug company" that cloned the name of another and one George MacLeod posted a linked in profile naming himself as CEO. I uncovered stories about unapproved generics being sent from unapproved manufacturers to Russia being sold in the U.S. at that time. I assume this is what they did or attempted to do with this enterprise.

Reed Wallace's brother Neil Wallace is still trying to take down GeckoSystems, but he seems to be losing current court battles. Reed was in on the scam too, introduced as a possible "investor". The company is still being capped on the OTC by wash trading and manipulation. I estimate that 2-4x the original float was during the original pump and dump which did not result significant profit to the company and millions seem to have been put into circulation, probably through forged shares since Neil Wallace "lost" the certs for a few days, ample time to have them forged.

Most of this conspiracy was reported to FINRA in 2012, and I personally reported it to the FBI at that time, in detail with names and approximate dates. I spoke with agents on two occasions.

This group did take down a company named Sushi Trend and it was able to reorganize and succeed as a private company. Link to lawsuit which was uncontested. Reed sold restricted certs off shore, two of the Sushi Trend group have been prosecuted and convicted by the SEC:

His brother is (perhaps was, haven't checked for a while) on the B.O.D. for a Zionist charity in Florida.

George Macleod was a lackey for these three. Involved with Sushi Trend, he was also "CEO" of the drug company run He suddenly moved back to England and was associated with one OTC scam marketd in Asia, but not in the U.S. Aspire International. This 2012 scam was not revoked until 2015.

More on MacLeod, who traces to Brain Bonar, one of early adopters of OTC fraud:

Reed Wallace and Benjamin Schiff are still trying to "help" small companies.