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Darth Trader

05/25/16 7:56 AM

#44287 RE: pantherj #44286

I'll respond to this by paragraph.

First I think there's confusion over "pitty" versus support. I don't think any shareholder pitty MW, but we do support him. The two aren't even closely related. It'll start to come together as I respond to each paragraph.

Hope this helps. Oh and btw, we don't support MW out of pitty, we believe in him and thus the support.

Darth Trader

05/25/16 8:19 AM

#44288 RE: pantherj #44286

2nd paragraph. The only stage that's set is for the boot brothers. Neither case in the federal or state court mentions ANY criminal activity by MW. The fact is its not even mentioned. So the truth is MW's in no danger of criminal charges.

The boot boys however are mentioned several times for criminal activity and are making every attempt they can to prevent charges from being filed but tge shareholders have already mobilized so that thought is mute. Regardless of what's settled with Ifus or SE, the shareholders are going to see justice.

And btw boot boys, the wheels over your fraud will be in motion very very soon. The fraud you committed under oath with the patent office is a very serious crime.

The state file is very damming boot boys. The evidence presented is not reversible and there's no way out of it.

Lastly, JS is a convicted felon wife-woman beater already. Goes to show his character, not to mention he's a fall down drunk. He's already waiting to go to jail and serve his sentence from his most recent attempt to play Rocky with his wife and his own daughter has a permanent restraining order against him for abuse.

SA has more than 22 felony indictments against him now along with 12 already in progress to prosecute. Yes, fraud, money laundering and racketeering are part of this. He's looking at 100+ years in the joint himself. His mafia contacts won't tolerate him being cornered like this, risk is to hight he'll turn on them....might be in witness protection before long. He's already surrendered his passport and I know his boat's been seized by the feds.

Again character....

So yes the stage is set but not for MW. He'll wall away from this clean. Why? Because he is clean.

Darth Trader

05/25/16 8:37 AM

#44289 RE: pantherj #44286

3rd paragraph. The transcripts are clear. Nothing unnerving at all. Damming for the boot bots AND if you'll notice, everything he answered he made cleae reference to the evidence. In fact, it's all straight forward. He built the guilty case for the boot boys right under their nose. Their lawyer was too stupid to have it stricken from the record. Even though that would have been difficult, it really shows me their guilt as NONE OF IT was objected to.

But the boot boys showed their fears. Their lawyer actually asked MW about ihub posters, me and a few others. They wanted to know "how we got the information." I'd say, come look me up SA and JS, but I know you won't. You don't have the nads for it. I'm ya huckleberry! lolol

I also found it amazing the twisted nonsense they brought up to really distract from the heart of the case. I won't go into detail but in reading this I see the cowardess in these two. I thought these two were more intelligent than this. But....thinking back on how they were caught and terminated in tge first place, not surprising. Oh btw, yes their letters of termination are included in tge state file. They both signed for them since they were DHLd to them. The shareholders count was also included...91% in support of MW terminating these two for cause.

In all, the case is already decided, tge signature and drop of the gavel is a mere formality. Boot boys are done.


05/25/16 8:37 AM

#44290 RE: pantherj #44286

POST#43004 reveals all. The state case will be the demise
of the booty's. There is no escape for them.

You cannot lie when applying for a patent.

A I didn't know that will not cut it.


Darth Trader

05/25/16 8:41 AM

#44291 RE: pantherj #44286

I do agree with the first sentence. "Haven't made a dent" in persuading shareholders. Our DD is solid and speaking for myself, I'm convinced MW and Ifus will win both cases and convinced that Ifus is a solid company with a solid product (unique on top of that) and will grow exponentially over the coming years. Solid investment.