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05/24/16 11:53 AM

#62763 RE: TC_Trader #62761

Mr Woodford still backing the company after his thoroughly investigated DD.

I'm buying more NWBO REWARD FAR OUTWEIGHS RISK in this investment.

The science is a lock IMO EMA BTD Germany hospital exemption dosing patients and covered by Germany public health FOR ALL DIAGNOSED CASES OF BRAIN CANCER... All

The only question is can Linda and Les deliver....

I'm betting yes.

Chris LaCoursiere


05/24/16 11:54 AM

#62764 RE: TC_Trader #62761

Neil is not too confident in my opinion from his statements here.....Not good!!!!


05/24/16 11:59 AM

#62765 RE: TC_Trader #62761

You can always fix the management but you can't fix the science


05/24/16 12:00 PM

#62766 RE: TC_Trader #62761

Great comment. Spot on. Echoes my concerns too, and hopes that management learns from their mistakes.


05/24/16 12:10 PM

#62769 RE: TC_Trader #62761

Thanks for the link, TC. Mr. Woodford also appears to have said the following during a recent meeting or conference called "AGM":

"We continue to be very interested in the technology of this company. Even last week the company made a very strange announcement, which in a way characterised the odd situation we have with this business, which is on the one hand the science looks very compelling: it’s an amin-oncology approach to fighting cancer, focussed on dendritic cells. I’m not going to go into the detail but suffice to say that is the approach.

It is an approach which we have audited independently across our network and the reports coming back from our network are that the science is very credible and that there is a lot of interest in this technology and in this approach. And that was reinforced last week when the company announced that it had entered into combination studies with three leading amin-oncology companies, which we think are three of the world’s leading pharma companies.

So on the one hand you’ve got there a piece of, sort of, therapeutic endorsement from some very intelligent, very big organisations, whose focus is in the whole area of amin-oncology, which appear to want to undertake trials (which they’re probably going to have to fund) with Northwest Biotechnology. But at the same time, in the same announcement, what you saw was a sort of list of the issues that the company has had to confess to,: which are shortcomings in governance, shortcomings in reporting, shortcomings in auditing; the relationship between the company and its manufacturing business.

All of those issues touch on issues we have raised with the business. So, yes, I think the answer is it was a schoolboy error in that I underestimated the ability of those governance issues to over-rule and undermine the fundamental technology, which we remain very interested in. And indeed we appear not to be alone in being very interested in the technology.

The company’s share price: I wouldn’t pay too much attention to the share price. The share price at $12 a share was probably very wrong; at $1 a share it’s probably very wrong equally. But it’s very hard to make an informed judgement at the moment.

There is a bit of a shutdown in terms of information emanating from this company. But sooner or later they’re going to have to come and talk to us: talk to us about what’s going on in the business. And of course we are waiting for the reports that we wanted to see, albeit that we weren’t successful in achieving what we wanted to achieve via the method that we chose. Nevertheless what happened was that the company did appoint an independent committee to investigate the issues that we wanted to be addressed.

That committee is yet to report, so we’re waiting for that report to come out. Once we have that report then I think we can move forward with the business. But we obviously can’t do anything until we have that information.”


05/24/16 12:35 PM

#62773 RE: TC_Trader #62761

Do you honestly think this is a real comment by Mr. Woodford himself?

Note how ALL other authorized replies are from either "AUTHOR" or "MODERATOR" - Neil Woodford is just a normal username. No Admin tag or Moderator tag.

The moderator even commented before "Woody's" post:
"Any comments from Woodford staff will have ‘author’ or ‘moderator’ next to their name"

I think personally the comment is not from Woody, and we'll most likely see it removed fairly soon.

Just my two cents (which i can soon buy a NWBO stock for).


05/24/16 12:41 PM

#62775 RE: TC_Trader #62761

Careful wording. One can read it either way. To me it means the preliminary investigation is likely complete, recommendations were made, and those recommendations are being implemented. The NASDAQ issue is likely, IMHO, a consequential proactive step to effect fundamental change in the MFN clause.

Processing why NW suggested it was a prerequisite, a year ago, for NWBO to provide shares to Cognate before his massive funding last Autumn, it is my two cents, after some reflection, that he may have wanted to ensure the money he provided would not be going primarily to Cogante, but instead to Sawston and perhaps King's College. This may have caused a rebound headache for NW with the tiresome MFN, that is only now being ironed out.

Of course, if some posters are correct that May is installation month, it might explain the supposed reduced traffic of normal workers at the Memphis facility -- reported by one poster/bear on YMB. NW's continued belief in DCVax technology is reassuring, but how such technology might be "undermined" by "governance" issues is somewhat discomforting. Whatever steps are being implemented to remedy that appear to be a result of the investigation, imho.

Overall, I personally view his current skepticism at governance but optimism with technology to be helpful for any potential post remedy implementation evaluation and, perhaps, eventual rehabilitation of corporate credibility. No one wants a giddy NW cheerleading before said steps are both instituted and analyzed. The projection at this time is a steady hand trying to help right a ship, and at some point we will know if they succeeded.

There is no attempt by NW to boost the PPS before Russell reconstitution, and this does not surprise me with regard to NW's general aversion to following or supporting the herd. It also demonstrates he is not simply waiving pom poms to keep NWBO in the Russell.

This is all just my opinion, and therefore simply one onlooker's view.