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05/24/16 10:34 AM

#292455 RE: fourkids_9pets #292454

I can spot the *obvious*----we're going for a reset of the 52 week low 03/01/2016 0.019 !!

This latest earnings *report* pretty much says it's Over until new selling of paper has taken place through private placements..

Can you smell the RS dance coming!


05/24/16 11:34 PM

#292474 RE: fourkids_9pets #292454

Here's to what mgmt files next?


05/27/16 1:08 PM

#292504 RE: fourkids_9pets #292454

reset is lurking in the east just under the horizon! Can you spot the obvious new 52 week low about to hit.

Latest earnings report sealed the deal "colluding" entities about to walk err down! A good time to DCA for the long term holders with sales just a month or two away!!!

52-Week Low
03/01/2016 0.019