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07/21/03 3:04 PM

#87 RE: 24601 #84

Sully - point well taken.

i'd urge you to disabuse Snackster of the notion that a private clubhouse is needed for diligent discussion.

as this thread is more like silicon investor (& developed by the same programmers) & has adequate features to avoid tranny-like carpet bombing, etc., it seems that this forum would yield the most fruitful (no pun) discourse.

"hiding out" also does a great disservice for anyone "new" who is interested in discussions.

maybe have a chat w/him about the "marketplace of ideas," the Rule of Anne & seditious libel.

a George divided against itself cannot survive.

& FWIW/IMO, agoracom as the primary residence for the diehards is unwise b/c of its concentration on Canadian penny stocks (that Chinese portal play blurb has been on its front page for weeks). It just reeks of shady.

you are what you eat,


PS glad to see you posting again.