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05/21/16 10:33 PM

#117476 RE: jlwcat1 #117474

pyct scam is still banned in canada... proven fact... denial is typical of penny sub scrub scams so that they can try to entice any new buyers of their dumping. pyct has many shares to dump still.

pyct management jailed for tax evasion... yep it was Mario Pino. you can find proof of that all over... easily searchable. (and hard to deny)... the penny subber scam script will probably try to deny it though but the facts and truth just make that effort look silly

pyct DTC Chilled twice...also easily searchable...and proven.... companies don't get chilled (Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr) for doing good things LOLOLOL they get chilled for doing the wrong thing.

Good news though..this scam is back up to .0001 now. Due to UNDER .0001 dumping this joke stock is nearly worthless. I sure hope the bozos can sell off the rest of their shares while they can.... and I bet a lot will be UNDER .0001 like the last year has shown. I love exposing jokes like this desperate one.