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05/21/16 3:13 PM

#44229 RE: martin33 #44227

One is a Federal Judge's written reality. The other is tortured fantasy.
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05/21/16 3:54 PM

#44230 RE: martin33 #44227

Martin, your one-liner trumps them all! And, have you noticed how the cabal avoids answering any direct questions? What about Darth's question?

"They signed this under oath [about the patent] knowing it to be wrong. Are they dense? BTW this is made a material fact in both cases fed and state." SA & JS will eventually need to answer this question to the authorities even if the question is ducked on here by BB supporters.

The cabal continues to spin the yarns, tell us Marc lied, etc. Marc has never lied to me. Even years ago when I talked to him, he was always direct and realistic with me and never projected any future revenue figures. True, there have been some over-ebullient shareholders who have projected and posted figures and share prices over the years. But not Marc. He doesn't post and doesn't read iHub, so how could he lie to anyone on here? It just isn't possible. Unlike JS and SA who posted and spun yarns on iHub, Marc's attorney has never had to tell him to stop embarrassing himself and the legal team by posting on iHub.

I with the trial on either case was Monday. I can't wait for this nonsense to be over, one way or the other.