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05/20/16 4:53 PM

#62476 RE: duckling #62469

I said:
"That all makes total sense... yet I am sticking with my guess that there are in-fact talks with BP about combining DCVax-Direct with three different BI's in three trials on three cancers."

Ducking replied:
"So Big Pharma can be neatly divided into a) those major companies that employ minions such ad AF, Cramer, Pyrr etc to trash the stock and b) those companies that are gagging to work with NWBO?

Quite a dichotomy."

I say... read this post by me yesterday Duckling. In the future, please study my work more thoroughly before criticizing. Psyche!!!!!!!!

Doktornolittle Thursday, 05/19/16 12:38:04 PM
Re: spartex post# 62245
Post # 62260 of 62475

I am not a big believer in hanging someone because they had motive for a crime... but if you are looking for people with motive to prevent DCVax-L from succeeding, you might include the insurance companies.

I think that if there is price manipulation, the insurance companies are more likely behind it than BP. BP may have a fundamental character inconsistent with such slimery. Big investors in BP... that could be a different story.

Hedge funds heavily invested in oncology focused BP's... and insurance companies. And of course NW who has been known to be very aggressive in taking over companies. These people have motive. Doesn't make them guilty... but they have motive.