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05/16/16 2:20 PM

#96920 RE: rickjc #96919

If anyones think like that then I would suggest them to liquidate all their TYTN positions at the bid ASAP (one seller just did so by selling out all his/her 11,666 shares at 0.0015) while there is still an huge bid support at 0.0012! My Average-Down suggestion is only good for those smart investors who deeply understood the OTC non-reporting stock investment and they know how to protect their money from the so-called "Stucked" postions!

I'm sure nobody wants to lose his/her investment principal! It just needs both intelligence and braveness to A-D in order to get the principal money back!


05/25/16 10:01 AM

#96936 RE: rickjc #96919

1.098M-0.0013 x 94K-0.0017 now. All the weak hands and the company-unbelievers can easily liquidate all their TYTN shares at the Huge bid! Sell ASAP before the bid drops further since it was 0.0012 a while ago... Buy ASAP if anyone wants to steal those dirt cheap 0.0017s shares which were dropped from the previous 0.002 ask!