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05/06/16 2:53 PM

#263437 RE: senrex #263435

I agree with you on all counts. Great job of expressing it.


05/06/16 3:11 PM

#263442 RE: senrex #263435

senrex, if you based your opinion on this quote:

The science men who still hold BAVI as the potential SOC have demonstrated great insight except for one crucial point: they've been wrong on BAVI at every turn. There is still, after all these years (I don't give a damn about the reasons), not one definitive human study which points to unequivocal advanced efficacy. I have no doubt about the science of flipping cells and turning on the immune system; I simply have no evidence that BAVI does it in humans (and the Street agrees with me).

You may want to reassess. The RED phrase is pertinetly wrong. Actually that is the frustrating thing. bavi has proved over and over (Breast PPI trials, 1st ln Lung PII, 2nd ln Lung PII, SUNRISE and even Pancreatic if we look at the ECOG distribution) that it works AND EACH TIME something OTHER THAT BAVI got in the way. A dose switching, abnormal control arms extreme disadvantage randomizing, etc BUT NEVER BAVITUXIMAB that did not perform BETTER then the historical SOCs or its TRAIL DESIGN expectations...NEVER.

And that is the all point that those looking behind the surface of these trials communicate to the board. And that is why Memorial Sloan Kettering, NCCN and AstraZeneca are on board because believe me if what you claim above would be true NON OF THEM WOULD EVEN HAVE STARTED A COLLABORATION WITH PPHM, LET ALONE AFTER SUNRISE CONTINUE OR EXTEND IT.

Really, think about it!


05/06/16 4:28 PM

#263450 RE: senrex #263435

The most knowledgeable posters regarding the science of BAVI (CP, biopharm, sunstar, cjgaddy) all seem to be in agreement:

Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't it been posted here that biopharm owns a landscaping company. Again, correct me if I'm wrong.

Enjoy the weekend


05/06/16 9:51 PM

#263463 RE: senrex #263435

Good write it captures the essence of this whole experience from a-z
as an investor with PP


05/07/16 1:38 AM

#263464 RE: senrex #263435

Hey Sensex, very good post. Lotsa good stuff there. Appreciate your analysis. We've been invested about the same time, and we are both still here. That speaks volumes. Do not agree with your short list of the scientific savvy on this board. Some are faithful and well-informed, but actually only one scientist in your list, and none on that list with significant clinical or experimental experience. Peregrine has some very valuable tickets, and a huge amount of clinical experience now. They got to this point with an incredible run of good choices. Bali + chemo was not one of them. However, we've both been here long enough to know that, at the time, there was no choice. Aminophospholipid therapy is a natural,and it will happen. So is radioactive iodine. Immunological cure for advanced solid cancers remains a pipe dream. It simply is not going to happen.


05/07/16 2:28 AM

#263465 RE: senrex #263435

Senrex, Jed Wolcott does not agree with you

He is the lead melanoma researcher in the world at the foremost cancer research center in the world: MSK.

While you are giving up on Bavi, he is not.

When ol' Jed throws in the towel, maybe I'll start to think about wallpaper glue for my PPHM stock certificates for my bathroom.

Hasn't happened yet.

So Sunrise didn't deliver. Gosh, welcome to Biotech.

Only a FEW of the even the biggest BP players have made any real progress in I/O anyway (BMS and Merck). J&J, Pfizer, Gilead, Roche, and Sanofi have NOTHING. Repeat, n o t h i n g.

But you want Tustin's little antibody to sweep 'em all.

Real quick.

Unreasonable. The field is too dynamic. The immune system is one heluva greased pig. Tough to pin down, let alone understand.

But so many seem to have it all figured out. Except the researchers actually doing the work.

I've quadrupled my shares with this recent retail wash out and will continue to average down.

Yeah. Guess I'm a fool.

This is biotech.

