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05/05/16 6:54 PM

#408363 RE: olddog967 #408362

I wonder how much the original Apple deal

Is killing us. I understand that no one knew that the the iPhone would explode like it did. But it is a convenient arguement to
say what a FRAND price should be from IDCC. Not sure what weight it had in the Huawei arb, but it seems to stick in MSFT and others craw.


05/05/16 7:18 PM

#408365 RE: olddog967 #408362

one might Assume...that the Intnl. Arb folks...

got as much Info about this substantial travesty of justice in the Chinese AML court...Its obvious that Article 55 was ignored in order to get the "desired favorable ruling" (against IDCC) the Dollar Amount in the Arb decision, surviving appeal, and ready for Confirmation and Payment...was Also fairness (To IDCC)...??!

" interesting aspect of the decision is that it does not appear to have expressly addressed Article 55 of the AML, which exempts the exercise of IPRs from antitrust scrutiny unless those rights are used to eliminate or restrict market competition"
(and That didn't happen)

Huawei Could be a significantly-benefitting Partner of IDCC is years ahead of many others in the Digital/Wireless IPR future...Merritt recognizes this...has said it...but is negotiating from a position of strength...finally...

Face the Facts, Huawei...

and that goes for you too, ___, ___, ___, ___, and ___...!!!

