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05/04/16 11:44 PM

#117203 RE: lemon #117202

"Paychest cannot do what they claim."
- then they are a lying scam.... eh?
"With out money to do anything further, they cannot lure more good investors into buying their stock."
- sure...just issue a false PR about some fake product and hype about secret progress.... that would be one way they have made money in the past... just DUMP more shares..... crank up the hype machine eh?

By pyct claiming that it may R/S..... is just a scam way to say we did what we claimed for once ...therefore we must be legit.... LOL... a fool might claim that if we can verify what they say then they are legit but we both know it is what they do to further shareholder value...not degrade it.

this is one sad exposed / low I.Q scam.


05/05/16 8:17 AM

#117207 RE: lemon #117202

Again Lemon...pyt never showed any money in their Finns and have managed to trade and function for 8 years.
So whats you point in pointing out they have no money?
lol...the name change will happen when they feel like doing it.
Right now like always they in no rush they have all the time in the world on the OTC,unlike with the BCSC(Canada)

small money need in the grand scheme then they could go on for another 8 years with new targets

The stated possible R/S was a very sure way of keeping everyone away for this company's stock.

exactly and that why the game has ended for present shareholders and this for now