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04/28/16 7:33 PM

#60970 RE: joshalex5 #60969

I think Missling understands that selling an entire company for $4B, when one single indication for one single drug that the company owns is probably going to make that much in a single year by 2020, would be an utter travesty.

Missling is not some two-bit shyster. He is looking for a legacy, not just a quick buck. I know $179M for one person, is not exactly a quick buck, but it's not like Missling is starving right now -- he can easily be a multi-billionaire if he brings this company to its potential. I think he would rather do that than take $179M and parachute out. This kind of opportunity does not come along every year for a CEO.

Plus, after you've been CEO for a company that makes a Nobel-Prize-worthy breakthrough on a horrible disease like Alzheimer's, what the heck do you do for an encore? Become the CEO of Starbucks? I think Missling could build Anavex into one of the biggest pharmas in the world if he plays his cards right, and enter Salk Vaccine territory as far as a personal legacy goes.


04/28/16 7:35 PM

#60971 RE: joshalex5 #60969

I'll put a friendly wager against that idea Josh. I for one hope he never sells and sees his company through the phase 3 data no matter if it's positive or negative. Where others would sell, he wants to be that next big pharma company.