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04/26/16 10:16 PM

#60743 RE: TrueTrades #60741

Takeda? Or are you still thinking Bayer AG? Maybe they can announce at Camerino (Italy) and BOOM - together the Axis will reunite, but for the good of humanity THIS time!
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04/27/16 9:44 AM

#60776 RE: TrueTrades #60741

"I am also convinced the little redhead did not go to the ball without her suitor waiting and ready. We'd still be OTC. "

But didn't AVXL report a month or two ago that the Donopezil adjunct group was (surprisingly) no longer showing greater efficacy than the Anavex 2-73 monotherapy group? Or am I remembering that wrong... or did I misunderstand?

Or is the guy in the Tuxedo maybe someone other than Eisai Co. or Pfizer?