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04/26/16 3:18 PM

#59832 RE: lam86 #59830

I Agree!! READ THIS!

LTNC FACTS rule! not opinions from fewls.


04/26/16 4:05 PM

#59835 RE: lam86 #59830

Post of the month right there, lam. ltnc


04/26/16 4:57 PM

#59838 RE: lam86 #59830

Hey look, a post worth coming back for! This board is exhausting with all of the speculation being tossed around on both sides. Long and strong ltnc


04/26/16 6:58 PM

#59842 RE: lam86 #59830

Still no 10k. Is there even proof that there are any branches left? Has LTNC become a shell? Did the CEO cut his losses and shift focus onto TSGL where his COO managed to file financials on time?

LTNC may have had revenue at one point in time, but anymore it looks only like a scam.


04/26/16 7:23 PM

#59843 RE: lam86 #59830

How abot a few things for starters. Do we consider it fraudulent when Ryan has a letter to the investors and when the toxic debt was 1 million talks about how that debt was strangling the company and it had to go. And so bit by bit he was telling us how this one was paid off and that one was paid off which got investors excited until financials came out and yes those debts were paid but he didn't mention in order to do it the new debt total was now 4 million if we add the million he stole from payroll taxes. Sound familiar?
And lets talk about the money and where it came from to buy stock. We do know that the last financials showed he used company money to purchase stock. And seeing how we haven't seen numbers since Oct 1st who knows what he has taken for money. And Please lets not try and say he had 750 grand laying around. But if we want to still go with that premise then lets talk how stupid it makes the man look if he did shall we? First with all that money why pick that time to take a bonus? And even dumber why is it he paid 59% interest to borrow 175,000 grand.
And why is it he has always put out financials but all of a sudden the BOZO picks now to go dark with not a word as to why.We know why!
And if we don't see what he is doing with tsgl then not much more I can say as if something obvious goes by and we don't see it whatever I say won't help.