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04/24/16 12:40 PM

#59573 RE: Rkmatters #59572

please edit.
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04/24/16 12:43 PM

#59574 RE: Rkmatters #59572

When you buy a house, do you always pay the asking price?
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04/24/16 12:59 PM

#59575 RE: Rkmatters #59572

"Cognate is not NWBO. And NWBO is not Cognate. Investigators are looking into NWBO's conflict of interest 'pubic' practices."

Well, I do see why they would have to become board members to get that close a look at NWBO.
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04/24/16 1:00 PM

#59576 RE: Rkmatters #59572

So this is more of what I am saying. LP trade stock and play all sorts of financing games because of the commonality in relationship NWBO & Cognate have i.e. LP owns both or controls both companies. What a perfect arrangement, to have NWBO a public company that sells shares to stockholders/investors to raise money. She can act as a day trader and issue shares to Cognate and have Cognate also lend to NWBO in imaginative ways all to the benefit of Cognate which she owns and/or has investors.

One company being public and the other bing private, Did anyone here ever ask themselves we the need for one to be public and the other private? Do you think LP learned nothing during her days at Enron,this is the double edged sword I often speak of,she can be genius for us as much as she can be dangerous to us imho. She knows so much, and what she can legally get away with to further her goals whatever they may be. I just don't feel very protected. Maybe when all those PR's caused the share price to go up, the trades were with Cognate and not new shareholders which mad bus jump in for the ride?

All I know is when I had multiple companies that were private, the so-called transactions that I had between my companies to facilitate anything I wanted to do to benefit myself were not very arms length like I would have had to do if one of my companies was public and had shareholders to protect. The games that can be played here with the lenient SEC rules is quite amazing bottomline is we don't benefit like LP & LG can imho.

And that is why I welcomed NW's power of the purse to get the needed cleanup done and after which he invested his millions it seemed to me Lp & LG got very cocky and when the monies rani out site quickly all communication ceased. remember we have been the target of shooters for years not just months so to continue to use that excuse for their silence is bs. When NWBO had a tiny speck of news or hope they would shout it from the roof tops and now they hide behind all the naysayers seemingly sing what the naysayers said against us i.e. not announcing any speck of news anymore and almost agreeing with them.
And remember when attorneys run a company versus scientists it personally makes my knees buckle because it is like they are too smart and know all the tricks in the trade to further and protect themselves to the with degree while we wait and see what scraps are left for us to fight over.
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04/24/16 1:08 PM

#59578 RE: Rkmatters #59572

That is a lot of good research RK. But isn't it kind of standard for a small biotech to unleash shares just prior to expected buying? If they didn't do that, the stock price would drop, or would drop more.

Would it be better to do this through an underwriter / financial firm? Those firms take a cut, and from what little experience I have, they are sometimes not very honest. I started opening an account with one of them so I could get warrants with shares and after closely examining all the agreements, I just couldn't do it. There were lots of little gotchas that apparently most people don't read. Ridiculous provisions. If I was LP, I would avoid such firms if I could.
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04/24/16 1:18 PM

#59580 RE: Rkmatters #59572

Did you note the language vesting over time?
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04/24/16 2:02 PM

#59586 RE: Rkmatters #59572

Thank you RK. You very clearly and thoroughly outlined why NW felt that an investigation was necessary. Also, why he felt that a separate investigation (apart from the one LP is paying for) was necessary and hired someone who specializes in detecting white collar crime to conduct it.