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04/22/16 2:50 PM

#43720 RE: Darth Trader #43713 in law = US Atty. It's over and SA is under indictment.

Your brother-in-law is leaking info from the Dept. of Justice? That's a pretty serious crime by itself.


04/26/16 12:15 AM

#43798 RE: Darth Trader #43713 in law = US Atty. It's over and SA is under indictment.

Please ask your brother-in-law for his take on the post below and let us know.

pantherj Member Level Monday, 04/25/16 10:54:00 PM
Re: casualriver post# 43795 0
Post # 43797 of 43797 Go

He dismissed all of MW's counterclaims. This was not a criminal trial, this was civil. Criminal WILL come later.

I'm halfway joking but not really. Just dying to know what the DOJ's thoughts are on all of this.