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04/09/16 7:19 AM

#58763 RE: Amatuer17 #58762

How can ANYONE write an article about Anavex and Valuation/Speculation without including $3,000,000,000 Valuation of Heptares for muscarinic drugs?
ESPECIALLY if you are saying that $200 million is TOO MUCH and not worth it? Motley Fool is Playing YOU the FOOL..


04/09/16 8:01 AM

#58764 RE: Amatuer17 #58762

The Fool article author is either Ignorant or a LIAR! Not all secondary financing dilutes. All indications are that AVXL will not and need not engage in dilutive financing. Done right secondary stock offerings are not dilutive but rather like an IPO. AVXL struck a very good deal with LP and have not used it, and will not need to use it for many quarters. If Missling and Skarpelos do not get the BP Partnership deal they want and the
Data is good enough they will be able to go to the Capital Markets to do what Corporations do, issue stock on favorable terms to current shareholders and Institutional investors alike. See my previous post on the SIX reasons that a secondary would be SUPER Positive for current shareholders. A win-win situation. Skarpelos calls the shots with advice and he is such a large shareholder his and Missling's interest closely align with shareholders. This is not a cash strapped company and has no debt. Enough cash to last two years at current burn rate. Missling has repeatedly stated that they are seeking a partnership for the Ph 3 for A2-73. Orphan designation significantly improves both the cost and probability of approval for A3-71.
This author or anyone that, for instance, labeled Gilead's recent multi Billion dollar secondary as dilutive would be laughed off of Wall Street. Because if done right without warrants, all cash(except underwriting costs) go directly on the balance sheet. LP will not get warrants in the off chance that facility is used and there is no debt to pay with proceeds of a secondary offering. Any new financing would be on much better terms. The audience of the are the ignorant. His article is so blatantly misleading that I deduce that he is short or working for the shorts and what he said is patently and intentionally FALSE.
Stay short or stay on the sidelines and watch and you will see.


04/09/16 2:52 PM

#58794 RE: Amatuer17 #58762

The author of this piece thinks that the Fool's Tom Gardner is an “investing genius” - that should say something right there – taking investment advice from someone who bills themselves as “motley” and a “fool”, I think is fraught with peril.