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04/01/16 11:05 AM

#19730 RE: The Poor Little Rich Boy #19727

That's the whole idea, CEO wants to consolidate with one lender, who sees the value and don't dump this cheap. Wake up..
The more CD guys you have less the control is. The whole idea of doing with one lender is he will not dump just like that and that's the main reason, most stink-pinky OTCBB companies have CD with 10 lenders who dump stock indiscriminately and stock suffers

CEO is paying himself in shares, he is not fool, he must have worked a deal with lenders when to unload shares if they want to, certainly not at 0.01, this is heading back to 5 cents
CD conversion will be on hold due to this one CD lender
Nobody is drinking KOOOL-aid here except you, everyone knows it..


This is going up, you can say whatever you want
CEO knows what he is going and does not need your advise, neither the board here cares unless they don't understand what is going on and why there is consolidation with one lender - Who obviously has confidence...very clear - smart money knows it, or he would be unloading shares now if he had seen failed business model.

This is small MM manipulation on low volume, however next stop is 2-3 cents

Just watch

Next PR coming soon week ahead