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03/17/16 3:53 PM

#75453 RE: $tocKed #75451

Thats from the recent Q. If it had changed it would have been updated. Also TPAC has no money so we know it wasn't paid off. LMAO

Haha October 2015
GO $$$TPAC$$$

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03/17/16 4:51 PM

#75462 RE: $tocKed #75451

I meant to do this earlier but it slipped my mind.

Here's a screenshot of a portion of yesterday's 10K.

Haha ... January 31, 2016!

The yellow highlighting is mine, the table is good ole Bill's.

The default amount (260 thousand smackeroos) is not enormous under normal circumstances. However, given TPAC's basically zilch ($3,621) in the bank, it's ginormous.

Plus I wonder who those related parties are?
