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03/13/16 4:36 PM

#17041 RE: Until2020, formerly Until2017 #17036

I see it a little bit out, but not next week. The hype has died off a bit.
When they get sales license or announce the first crop is complete, it'll get fun.
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03/13/16 8:01 PM

#17051 RE: Until2020, formerly Until2017 #17036

re: "I see a buck ( CAN $$$ ) easy , . but not many agree with me. "

I don't know about easy, but we know it's possible. Around 2011-2012, CAD was actually a little ahead & at parity with USD. You knew something was up then, when vending machines started accepting and returning Canadian coins. (more of a border state thing)

A lot depends on what happens with "quantitive easing". Looks like it could wander back up into the .80's pretty easy though.

Petro is the other factor for CAD future relative strength. Depletion isn't much of a concern for the vast Canadian tar sand deposits but it is for deep sea and especially shale oil. A lot of exploration and drilling has been cancelled though the effect of incr/decr production there lags a few years. We will be entering the beginning year of that window pretty soon. The daily production excess over demand is actually pretty small but has built up the "glut" gradually over time. It won't take much for it to shift the other way, e.g. middle east instability, more vehicles on the road globally ...