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03/10/16 9:50 AM

#99442 RE: tdbowieknife #99439

OK … Great to know he was released on bail.

Can the link to the criminal charges be posted. The link provided is for a CIVIL CASE. Either way, I guess the sheriff and court did not find him that big of a threat to society like it is made out to be on social media. Did they revoke his passport so he can’t flee the country ??? LOL !

Back to the link supplied to the a CIVIL CASE and the BULLSHIT claims . How many of them are true and can be proven in court ???? I’m sure it’s just another individual like the HALLIN PLAINTIFF’s trying to get a free handout at shareholders expense. Like the FAKE BK

Same as the SEC CIVIL SUIT. How many BULLSHIT claims will be proven not to be true.

Could the evidence in both cases be tainted, or not true and accurate ????

It’s a known fact The SEC makes errors. The HARD DRIVE for instance. Imagine giving the hard drive with incriminating evidence against you to the defense.

They had MOUNT BULLSHIT for evidence against Mark Cuban. NOT GUILTY as charged.
And The SEC seems to be losing a lot of cases lately. Maybe too many error’s ?????

Regardless, investors, and now shareholders don’t care about The SEC and criminal charges. That is past history. The bad guys are no longer a threat to treaty shareholders and investors.

This IMO is a Great Investment, if you like HIGH RISK STOCKS. I’m sure the SEC will dismiss the charges against the company an allow treaty to trade again once compliant. With the 356 M Naked Short Shares this will top $ .20 minimum. Why not spend $ 30,000 and buy a few shares.

The payoff will be well worth the risk. There is no threat to the company from current leadership, as has been said. Chris , Kramer and Klein have no links to Blackburn.

Do your DD. It’ll be worth while.

GO TECO / IN BALCKBURN WE TRUST ( Unitl proven guilty in a court of law )

How about those links directly linking Chris, Kramer and Klein to Blackburn ??


03/10/16 12:12 PM

#99452 RE: tdbowieknife #99439

Absolutely 100% correct. Even had the nerve to write a few articles to promote the scam.


03/10/16 12:43 PM

#99453 RE: tdbowieknife #99439

30. On information and belief, the transfers of the fund’s assets as described herein were disguised insider purchases of shares in Orpheum and Treaty.

Information supplied by the HEDGIES, NSS and HALLIN PLAINTIFF's

They have to say BELIEF, because they are grasping at straws.

Wonder if they too allowed the HALLIN PLAINTIFF;'s to write the complaint, to their liking's ?

It was believed Mark Cuban committed securities fraud

It was believed the evidence in the FAKE BK would sink Treaty.

BTW That case was DISMISSED

10 Hail Mary's by the HALLIN PLAINTIFF's and a miracle may happen. I'm sure it won't

Where's that proof directly linking Chris, Kramer and Klein to the Fab 53 ???

Investors want to see proof. Not dig though years of posts searching for that smoking gun, nor will they sign up for PACER


03/10/16 1:52 PM

#99458 RE: tdbowieknife #99439

The world of spell checkers (software) leaving out the 'd' on purchased (for example) ... who wrote that filing? Can they not use MSWord which once in one of their versions used to catch that stuff.... lol I assume the SEC lawyer's secretary... Will a Federal judge put up with that from a Federal agency? Yeah, they show that spelling isn't the meaning and .... because purchase is to future and purchased is to have been done. So its a bogus point or complaint by the omission of the 'd' in implied purchased?