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03/09/16 8:02 PM

#56571 RE: Ready4bluesky #56567

She was protecting our ownership too Ready. We wouldn't have had a company to protect after Adam's series of false and misleading headlines and articles in 2014. Cognate's willingness to take shares for receivables conserved cash and kept the company afloat. If you know of another financier who was willing to provide funding during that time, please let us know. But the company was out of cash and would have gone under. Not only did it assure continuity, it assures reliable manufacturing of the product by a company that will not sue them or try to steal their intellectual property, or provide defective product.

Why should they have their receivables diluted with each financing. They provided services with hard dollar value. It is unreasonable to think that monies owed should become worthless as the company continues to operate.
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03/09/16 8:13 PM

#56572 RE: Ready4bluesky #56567

As I've said many times before, I invested because of the potential of the science. I invested quite a lot more after NW stated backing the company. I thought there was a good chance that having NW on their side would get them to the finish line. I was shocked that they blew through 100 million dollars in one year without even starting the Phase 2 trial for Direct.

Why were you shocked? You were messaging how Linda was stealing money from NWBO and fraudulently transferring it to her other companies (in addition to a host of other fraudulent activities) a year or more before NW's investment. Should you not have known?
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03/09/16 8:52 PM

#56576 RE: Ready4bluesky #56567

"I was shocked that they blew through 100 million dollars in one year without even starting the Phase 2 trial for Direct."

Direct is going to be most likely over 400-500 patients in 4 different countries. That's a huge manufacturing undertaking, let alone the setting up of the trials at numerous sites with numerous costs. I truly believe Direct P2 is ready to start, at least at a few early sites that are up to speed. This is an enormous undertaking and it would be for a big pharma, so this tiny company taking this on is heroic in my opinion. I once had a small fledgling company, constantly under capitalized, constantly on the edge, constantly borrowing from one job to get the next one going, all the while trying to make my clients feel that I was in no trouble what so ever. It's exhausting and harder than you can believe. Because they have a beautiful product that I think is far beyond the others in the field doesn't mean they have some giant machinery of administrators, project managers, etc. to carry off these trials without huge bumps.

I understand completely your and all the others who're suspect and tired of the stringing along. I truly do. I just feel I've been here and understand the company and what they're doing and why. Linda Powers is considered by some to be a genius, I've checked into her in great detail. I trust her, and I know some would say I was nuts for this. I'm not a naive person, I've done my homework in many different ways.