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03/09/16 7:12 PM

#56562 RE: Ready4bluesky #56560

But they didn't hit it on May 7, 2015, and LP stated, in response to a question at that time, the 1st interim analysis should occur in the "coming month(s)."

Not a whole lotta months between June and October. It's very possible it still had not happened by July, August September or even mid October.

Remember, people are living longer than expected, there is a retrospective study of 91 trials that finds a correlation between PFS and OS in GBM.

Therefore, people, at least those receiving treatment, are likely PFS eventing later than expected as well.


03/09/16 7:55 PM

#56569 RE: Ready4bluesky #56560

Okay, but with 300 + enrolled, they should have still had enough events from the control group to hit the 149 last year. - Ready

There will be (are close to, hah!)... 348 patients in the trial. 1/3 will be control.

300/3 = approx. 100 control patients by end of August

You still need 49 events to come from the treatment side.

Maybe you didn't mean "from the control group" and instead meant the whole group. But if you mean just the control group as you stated, that would, as you can see, be impossible.

Even still... it's highly, highly doubtful, despite what those who are not invested here may claim, that Linda Liau thought it was interesting that 233 patients hadn't passed by October 15... when we'd just reached 300 about 2 months before, leaving only 75 patients still alive. That wouldn't be interesting.

That would be tragic.