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02/27/16 8:35 AM

#73405 RE: jessellivermore #73402

If you are correct I hope I am wrong. If AMRN were to receive an offer it would require a 90% approval which is a very high bar to meet. No offense but the topic of fish oil is one full of misconceptions that a few of us may understand but the vast majority do not. Sadly, the only way to change this will be to blast the message on evening news TV night after night for a year. That takes money! Lots of it! AMRN will not have it after Reduce-It is complete. Answer me this. If AMRN had been acquired early on where do you think Vascepa sales would be today? Higher, or lower? Where would more lives be saved? This company should have been sold off years ago. It did not happen. Today AMRN has an outstanding patent moat which did not exist back when but had we received NCE in a timely manner that moat still would have been put into place. We both agree on the ultimate potential of the drug but we disagree on how best to get there. That is fine. I still hope you will consider creating a book on the order of "EPA For Dummies" or "Fish Oil For Idiots" Your medical background would make such a book a credible one which I believe would do a great service to mankind. Your writing style is amazing, I believe the best on this board. Sure wish we could expand your reach a bit.
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golf stud

02/27/16 8:37 AM

#73406 RE: jessellivermore #73402

Then the million dollar question is how does Amarin provide its product to this type of demand??? Some partnership needs to be made as no way they can do it