I appreciated the FDA discussions you and others had this weekend. Many of the concerns have been repeatedly discussed, so posters here want it to stop. I get that, but don't think it's appropriate for anyone to bully anyone else, period. Anyone who doesn't have an appetite for discussions related to NWBO can just pass over posts and should, particularly if they feel the subject of the post is "spin". But, that shouldn't stop you and others from discussing content. The accusations of posters need to stop as it's off topic, and moderators should delete without prompting. Like it or not, this is a public forum. No one here controls the on-topic content; and, unfortunately the fact that nothing positive has occurred in a mighty long time, discussions have skewed negative, it's natural. Obviously many folks here have a hard time being reminded of the risk of their investment, but they do have the option to ignore it. It will be nice to see a positive event occur, but no one knows with any certainty if and when that will happen. And so we wait for news. Until then discussions are likely to be negative or silence.