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02/19/16 12:09 PM

#72357 RE: RVC #72356

A very good analogy using the DMV exactly right. So if feelings are hurt is that cause to shut a company down and deprive the public an alternativeto pain killers ? Is ths what we're alll about? How is it that the good and welfare of the public is placed below hurt feelings? As for being more transparent about the FDA exactly what wording should they use ? In my opinion it is what happens across the pond that matters right now. Have a great day.


02/19/16 12:50 PM

#72359 RE: RVC #72356

The entire US population is at stake here. Trivializing and diminishing the magnitude and importance of Biel's product is unacceptable. Biel's products and application have to be on the top of the list because we need the product here at home. The product can heal you without any side effects. We are almost the only industrialized nation in the world that does not allow a hard core small American company to sell its safe and effective product in the United States. All these people who are using Actipatch all over the world are made of steel and we are made of papers here at home, right?

Stay Actipatched! This mega billion dollar company is unstoppable!

Very Very Very .... Strong Buy