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02/19/16 11:21 AM

#72354 RE: RVC #72349

Yes all pink sheet stocks are lottery tickets and risks are high so logic and common sense are key factors in whether you are in or out. It's just another form of gambling.The FDA situation boggles the mind as to "why" it is such a problem for them to give assistance to a company in the ways to gain favor because as it appears this matter is more about hurt feelings and having power and control over a company. How is it "logical" that an American Company has to sell its products around the world except for here. Oh yes there are different standards around the world, BS this is personal and if the I's are not dotted and T's crossed or something is missing you get no help in correcting those errors until you've exhausted your funds. SEC sent a letter should an investor beware, of course they should also ask why nothings been done as some have said for 8 years ? Should "we" be allowed the choice of a non drug portable pain reliever over a potential addiction to a pain killer? I guess the answer is a resounding no. As I've said countless times everything about this company is public with a paper trail. What gets lost about this company is its products getting attentio in that foreign third world county know as the UK. Ask your logical common sense self "why" there and not here? If the standards in the UK are weak why are we persistant in implementing their Socialist Medical System. This is my opinion only and thank for the chance to debate the subject.