I do not think it is anything new that prompted a briefing to the WH as this seems to have been in the making for a while. I remember having a decent sized post about research and testing etc. that government (i believe the DOE was involved if i remember correctly) and institutions where having together for exactly energy related products such as Fuel Cells and other tech. And that there were various companies involved in such tests with the products and other companies like auto companies helping out.
And it was obvious NEAH was part of the testing that was ongoing by some of the tests that were done and the scores that were given out and certain key words they stated. It didnt seem like in the reports they were allowed to mention any company names or product names but again some of the things they said were obvious.
Ooo and it just happen to be a link NEAH posted on their Twitter page to the .gov site that had archives of past and current research papers with all testing that was ongoing with scores etc. They posted it at the time when a certain someone and people on here were mocking NEAH for putting so much stuff up on their Twitter page. But I am guessing no one really took the time to do any looking into it and doing a little clicking opening and reading as expected lol
Anyways like I have been saying and like I will keep saying do you people honestly believe any company, government entity, institution etc. would waste their time, money and resources doing any type of business or even any type of agreement heck or even bother picking up the phone if NEAH really had nothing to offer?? I mean if they were just BS?? Come on now.