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02/13/16 8:15 AM

#72169 RE: FesteringPus #72166

Doctors are ignorant on this topic. The greatest challenge AMRN will face is how to get the word out on Vascepa. This is why I believe our company should be acquired by Big-Pharma. Pure EPA is effective in so many indications yet no one cares. One example, kidney stones is a painful problem and in a handful of studies it has shown EPA to be effective. Some of those studies were done a decade or more ago! I am shocked that most people with loved ones who have medical issues do not research on the internet what may work and what does not work. Over the years I have run into people with very high triglycerides and have wrote down for them Vascepa and said they should do their own research. TV commercials work in getting the word out about certain medical conditions. B-P could run such commercials and that would work. I believe that Vascepa is a great drug and it could have a stunning impact on the health of millions. Sadly, the FDA has almost destryed AMRN and if it survives until it shows outstanding Reduce-It results it will be to weak to do the massive marketing required. The only solutions would be a JV or a takeover. One would hope JT has already had some informal talks with interested parties. ( JL I know we disagree on this... I still hope that at some point you will write the book on Pure EPA, think of all the lives such a book might save.)
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02/13/16 10:46 AM

#72185 RE: FesteringPus #72166

I believe Vascepa's sales force are concentrating

On high volume clinics in only large metropolitan areas. Amarin has been overburdened with the very expensive cost of the R-it trial and without the financial help from the Anchor label which was part of the original understanding between the FDA and Amarin. Amarin has always keep its agreements with the FDA to date. The FDA, an agency of our gov't, unfortunately has failed to meet most of their obligations with Amarin. Sorry to say, it is business as usual for this administration. So unfortunately, expenses being what they are, Amarin is forced to market to areas that provide the most impact, so yes many doctors have not heard of Vascepa. Personally, I like this little company and their management, because they have managed to exist through the most trying of times, and have managed to win several court victories to boot. The interim results should validate and disprove the reasoning of the FDA cancelling the Anchor label. I believe this company has the fight in it to succeed. AMO. GLTAL's.
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02/13/16 11:42 AM

#72194 RE: FesteringPus #72166

An attorney might say that the guy's doctor is bordering on malpractice. A quick search yields information easily that "statin monotherapy should not be first-line therapy to reduce triglyceride levels in patients with severe or very severe hypertriglyceridemia (>1000 mg/dl). Addition of statins can be considered to reduce cardiovascular risk in patients with mild-to-moderate hypertriglyceridemia (>150 mg/dl and <1000 mg/dl) and elevated non-HDL cholesterol."

clearly states treatment for extremely high trigs should be either or in combo fibrates, niacin, or omega-3 fatty acids.

But to your point doctors are not what they used to be. My primary care doctor either thinks that I am the smartest dick in the world or that she need not give any of her patients information about the drugs she is prescribing. Only thing she says is either take this in the morning or in the evening. No discussion of side effects or interactions. A couple of my meds cause me to store potassium. Do you ever think she has told me to watch out about consuming too much potassium? Nah. Not as big a problem for me as I research all my meds but I wonder about so many of the other patients.

And, doesn't really know her drugs (maybe why she doesn't discuss them). Talked to her about an alpha blocker for bladder/urination/prostate. What does she prescribe? Guanfacine. When I go back and say that is not indicated for that she starts babbling about urologists using it for years off label. Checked with 10 pharmacists and not one had ever heard of it for that condition. It is used primarly for ADHD. Luckily another doc (I believe her son) was there on my next visit and rather than saying it was my idea I put forth the idea that my pharmacist suggested a different med as this one was not working and really the right med for the condition. Bam then got the right med. Feel like the office should be sending me the consulting fees.