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02/12/16 1:23 PM

#53543 RE: Rkmatters #53540

Can you post a copy or provide an example of the kind of press release you believe manipulates the share price upwards or failing that, one they have issued that is not fair or balanced in your opinion...thanks in advance


02/12/16 1:44 PM

#53554 RE: Rkmatters #53540

Ok, but I think you're trying to have them micromanage each release as if it's a scientific paper. Any press release by any biotech isn't going to go into exact details on everything that's happening. They tend to do press in ways to generate interest in their company and by what they're excited about. I simply don't feel that's being sneaky. I watched Dr. Bosch's presentation of the Direct data and didn't see that he was hung out to dry by the scientific community about it. Maybe I just haven't seen any that are out there. As far as the PR that did not include the information you've stated I again feel that the overall data, in the end, will be seen for what it is and anything along the way is confusing, confounding, and often giving glimpses that sometimes appear good and sometimes appear bad and often neither will have been found to be predictive of the eventual outcome.

The entire Dr. Liau video is exactly what I'm talking about. She said things that have been debated across this board ad nauseum and it leaves more questions than answers. This stuff is complex and almost disorienting in it's magnitude, especially when you start to add in the intricacies of statistical analysis. Most people can't fathom any of it let alone some of it. They always state that their PR's are forward looking and disavow any kind of guarantees. It's like wearing make up; some like it and some don't. Either way, the lawsuit regarding misinformation results will show who's correct.

Doc logic

02/12/16 2:43 PM

#53565 RE: Rkmatters #53540


Quote: I want press releases of information but in a fair and balanced format.

Here, here! You and Austin get my votes on this matter. Let others be the ones accused of bias and misinformation. The science can stand on its own 2 feet quite well if presented properly. Dr. Bosch is more than capable in this regard.


02/12/16 3:45 PM

#53582 RE: Rkmatters #53540

I think you are incorrect in your interpretations, especially about psPD, which are assumptions, not information based on fact. I don't feel the need to second guess every detail, especially when I am not an expert. I have to trust that the three independent experts knew what they were doing, understand what a psPD is, and what they have stated is accurate. I don't believe the experts had any motivation to mislead or deceive the investors, nor did the company fabricate the opinion of the experts.