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07/16/06 2:43 PM

#89 RE: nwsun #88

Hi NW....

As for my investment style,it changes as I go pretty much. What I have found myself doing lately is finding sleepers or stocks I think have bottomed out in general like I always have done pretty much. Except now im am more careful and know what to look for but also am refining it as I go. Now what im doing different is when I do close a position with gains for example I like to spread that prof into 2-5 other potential sleepers and wait for payday instead of jus 1 or 2. All the while focusing on hundreds of potential plays/investments large and small at any given time. Then my initial investment I can either cash out(with profs too always nice to do)for myself to do whatever with or I can take that and add to an existing position I feel is undervalued and undiscovered still.
This way I have been doing things lately is working rather well for the building process of my acct and for my goal to be ultimately met. All the while refining and learning along the way. By me owning five or more at one time I believe in is a smart thing to do in that as soon as one moves its payday and free money pretty much b/c the initial positions bought were with profs in most situations. The I start process again all the while never owning more than 5-6 at any given time for shortterm meaning days,weeks,motnhs.Not years. Afterall I dont want to be sitting stagnent for years while I know I can make money in the meantime elsewhere.
If I take a loss it is fine with me in this strategy,which happens we cant win and time em all, and never let myself get stuck into any position anymore. Definitely gotta know when to hold and know when to fold em. If I lose 50% or more of an investment and dont know what to expect shortterm I may move that into another play that I will ulimately look for a 200-10000% move instead of averaging down unless its a no brainer for me to do in my mind. Also I know the big percentage gains are obviously more rare but when hit, it does go to show it can be done and it always seems to happen to one we've watched at one point maybe even owned but somehow missed the big move. Thats where momentum comes in and reading it either way.
When the thousand perecent plus gains start to become a reality in a play,the only way ive found that it is possible for me to not sell out of that position if I think it may go much higher and the swings are big,is having free money into it in the first place from other profitable trades. Helps to put into perspective the fact that if I lose o well no big deal its not life er death situation that could kill my account cuz all eggs arent jus in one basket. Also Ive found it very stressful to see many Gs swings when I have alot on the table instead of spreading it around some which makes it alot easier for me to let it go til I see tops instead of panic selling pretty much. Sometimes I then feel make er break is fine by me and I let it go til I either need the money for something else or I see red flags arise.

Pretty much comes down to I can always change stance at the flick of a switch if my sentiment turns sour for whatever reason no matter if I think it may go to the moon or not. Ive only had a couple losing trades in the past 2 years believe it or not and feel my current way is working rather well and I jus keep adding to it when I can. One way for me to not worry about one particular stock is if chit does hit the fan and it doesnt pan out like expected I still then have my other plays which I feel good about being in. So in summing it up,my style does change with the market trends but not too much.Only difference is if the markets are ugly I look at it as a great buying opp when people selling their penny stocks to cover their losses elsewhere. Only thing I may do different is not have as much loot on the table and play it a lil more safe and dont get in over my head pretty much. When throwing profs into new positions it really dont matter if one losing trade happens for reasons I stated. And no I dont like PAing down either,jus means im in a losing position so far which tends to turn me off knowing there is a bargain everyday in the markets and I totally stick by that and constantly updating watchlists. I admit sometimes my watchlist gets outta hand,like now for example I have roughly 500-600 on watch realtime during the week, but is a must for me if I want to remain active and not get stuck at any given time. Usually watchin about 10 on L2 on any given day that I could want to buy or add to. All the while searching for opps whereever and whenever I can.

As for the current world situation it is only going to continue into future imo,and most everyone agree. Commodities hittin new highs will indeed continue and tensions will only continue on the same path as long as someone disagrees with you and in that case,it will never stop. May decrease,but not in my lifetime imo. As for it affecting the markets,sure many people dont want to lose their hard earned money so they may sit more in cash getting a guaranteed percentage.And then as for penny markets it will affect it and already has bigtime on alot of good stocks with good potential(not counting MM manipulation which is huge!). People tend to sell their stocks they consider higher risk or a gambling stocks to not cover other losses lots of times in the big boards,ie margin calls,but to me that is scared money leaving the table which is fine by me. This is when the bargains are found imo,when peops are in panic mode. Patience and moving forward is a big thing in the markets and same goes for longterm outlooks at things improving overall in the world as a whole. Sure if markets sell off peops panic with their positions,but nevertheless this is when I feel the need to pounce b/c I like to buy when peops are selling and or under radar sleeping. In ending I feel the markets as a whole will continue to feel impacts of tensions abound and other aspects which can affect it either way but one needs to see the big picture and take advantage,hence lots of people moving to safe plays like oil,alt energy,and precious metal stocks for longterm. Shortterm I do not see anything affecting the way I trade and go long. Like I said always a deal to be found and money to be made regardless,but one jus has to unearth them. Timing is key and any profs a good prof as you know. Anyways sorry for rambling but that is a lil of how I am sittin now with my inv/trading strategies now. Since I usually am no good on the spot answering questions, which are by the way very huge and important questions youve addressed,I will prolly end up adding to this post later once I think about it more in depth. I could prolly go on forever trust me.

As for USEH,its my only losing position right now that Ive bought recently but I knew and seen my risks here and made a choice to dabble. Didnt throw in more than I wanted to pretty much but at this PPS,with low volume move down and tiny OS,makes me want to PA down and open a real position here if I see fit. Im hearing great news coming in August here as per CEO.) See ya soon. Later DF

PS I am in a rush and didnt proofread so I hope I at least made some kind of sense lol.Ill give it some more thought later and hopefully I can elaborate and let ya know a lil more of what I think the future holds in terms of our money in the markets moving forward.~)