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02/11/16 7:30 PM

#30606 RE: Maddog #30605

Maddog, I aree with you 100% and I also have accumulated Physical Metals since 2013. I buy Bullion and also Quality Rare Silver and Gold Coins (If the Price is Right). I also believe that 2008 was basically just a quick fix with some "Duct Tape" . The Quick Fix did not last and is coming apart. Very Soon We shall all Bear Witness to the Greatest Economic Collapse in History. I do not believe One Word that comes from our Government as we have been continuously Lied to for years. The Politicians of today could care less about the Majority of the People in this Country, They are Completely Self Serving and only Cater to the Interests of the Super Rich and Corporations who throw Millions of Dollars at them to make sure they get Re-Elected to ensure that Political Pocket Lining and Business as Usual Continues.
Also consider this, As everyone knows, Social Security cannot possibly take care of all the Baby Boomers who are Retiring or about to Retire at a Staggering rate, This also creates a huge void in the workforce of irreplaceable People. The best way to address this would be to wipe out the Baby Boomers 401K and Savings which then keeps the workforce in tact and slows down the rate of retirement.
This of course is just my opinion.