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02/11/16 1:59 PM

#244371 RE: SilverSurfer #244369

that is a question for the pundits. NH people are loyal to their neighbors. and most of them think that hillary is way more electable (see the exit polls cited a couple days ago)

if someone is deemed electable, lots of times there are cross-overs voting for the weaker candidate of the opposition. I don't think that is exactly what happened in NH, but it will be in effect when i vote in the primary here... i would be torn between Rumpster and Grandpa Munster as which would be easier for the dem candidate to beat. Socialist versus fascist would be interesting. Steady hand versus american taliban member would be fun, too.
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02/11/16 5:07 PM

#244390 RE: SilverSurfer #244369

Ed Klein's New Book Won't Fix His Reputation For "Fan Fiction"

Unlikeable Features A Fake Quote, Implausible Dialogue, And Hillary Clinton Repeatedly Breaking Things
October 1, 2015 [with comments]

My Brief Encounter with Hillary-Basher and Scandal-Monger Edward Klein
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05/02/16 6:46 PM

#248232 RE: SilverSurfer #244369

Checking in with One of Donald Trump's New Friends

Whom you might recall is Hillary Clinton's old enemy.

By Charles P. Pierce
May 2, 2016

Philip Rucker

Pic of Trump, Ed Klein, @CLewandowski_ and @DanScavino at Shapiro's
3:25 AM - 3 May 2016 · Shapiro's Delicatessen, United States
[ ]

Just in case you were wondering whether or not He, Trump would grow uncomfortable in the sewer as he gets closer to the nomination, you needn't worry about that. He has every intention of bringing us all back to the cocktail lounge of the Mena Airport. From The Washington Post:

Then he and two aides sat down at a table for lunch with author Edward Klein .. , perhaps best known for his series of bombshell books spreading rumors and innuendo, much of it discredited, about the Clintons. Klein's latest writings have centered on former secretary of state and senator Hillary Clinton's personal health and former president Bill Clinton's sexual adventures.

Much of it discredited?

Klein is a dismal hack who discredits anything he writes simply by putting his byline on it. But his sudden appearance in the Trump brain trust allows me to bring up once again the greatest moment in the history of Air America radio, when now-Senator Al Franken .. ..

[ insert 3 embeds of link videos ]

and Joe Conason put Klein on the rack .. ..

and turned the wheels very, very slowly .. .

Against all odds, He, Trump has found a ratfcker even dingier than Roger Stone.

SilverSurfer, Klein ranks with you on the credibility scale.

"Even Rush Limbaugh, the king of conservative talk radio, told his listeners last week that the purported dialogue in some of Klein’s florid
set pieces – “You can’t trust the motherfucker,” Clinton is supposed to have said of Obama over her next glass of wine – does not ring true."

See also:

F6... UPDATED:..;)_ What You Need To Know About Ed Klein, Author Of New Book Smearing Obama