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02/10/16 5:54 PM

#244776 RE: mymoneybgone #244774

The tsunami is out there and comming. It just takes some time for it to get to shore.

The stock is not doing bad. This baby is going to be big, and if you can't stand to see it dip once in a while, then leave.

FocusLP, I am extremely long and have been for close to three years now.

Everything is finally coming together and yes, I expect MEGA NEWS coming in the next few months.

The stock will go up and down, no doubt about it, but I will not be trading the stock.

I will wait patiently, like I did for two years while it vacillated between $2.50 and $4.50.

Right now we are in a trading range of $15.00 to $22.50. Once we break our highs, we will continue up the path to higher prices.

I waited for over two years to go to $4.50. I can surely wait another year to go to $100.00.

Let the fear mongers talk all they want, it is a losing battle in my opinion.

If we have the right patents, the right partners and the money, nothing is going to stop us,nothing.

Sitting back and relaxing while the slammers are slamming.

"Hi Guys - attended SF luncheon and have read the fine reports by others on this thread. I really can't add anything substantial to what has been posted aside from the fact that having seen Steven address a crowd on three occasions now I can rate his performance.

At the risk of sounding effusive, Steven has got a dynamic message and the depth of his knowledge is impressive. He never skipped a beat and bspears analogy of the fire hose is very fitting. It is difficult to grasp the full scope of Wave's business plan. I say this having been an investor for 2.5 years - so it may take some time for the analysts to process all they heard. I also noticed some analysts asking for Steven to meet with them privately and overheard that they plan to be back in the bay area next week.

They only time I noticed Steven showing some frustration was when one person asked about revenues and afterward in speaking about stock price related matters. He clearly states he will not risk achieving his deployment goals in order to prop up revenues prematurely. The stock price interests him but there is no stock price without deployment.

He gave the illustration of a horizontal broad based network being established then treating each individual on that network as a vertical marketing opportunity. He does not want to truncate the broadness of the base for short term gains.

Some of us share Stevens frustration with the obsessive stock price infatuation by investors. He is not really asking for patience, just an understanding of the ramifications of approaching this venture in its totality.

Steven has great energy and vision without any hype.

Let's follow the leader."

" net sales to hit one trillion by 2003. so what would our cut be? it won't fit on my calculator.."


02/10/16 6:14 PM

#244777 RE: mymoneybgone #244774

"This is one investment that will require strong faith & patience of which will be tested many times, but I believe the long term rewards should far outweigh anything else in between."

"Options trading on Wave could be one of the reasons the stock is being held down.

It will be much cheaper buying the $25 calls on Friday if the stock is $18-$19 then if the stock is $22-$25."

"Occasionally, one of the "boys" (Tom or David Gardner, founders of Motley Fool) comes to a board and makes assessments, corrections, or comments. I read several months ago that they are very aware of WAVX and are possibly shareholders. I stress this is only what I read (on a board at SI) and it is ONLY a RUMOR. Would it be seemly to email them and ask them to comment on WAVX here? IF they are aware, and IF they are interested, their comments could be compelling to new investors here at MF....thoughts? "

"The shorts showed up the week before relisting and something tells me they showed up the week before Mega-News-Complex hits the street.

It is too bad that they made a killing shorting from $23 to $12 and we went right back on covering to $27.

I am certain this pattern was replayed at $24. If we get market order short sales and then panic selling and stops kicked out in the AM it will be deja vu.

Then they will cover as big money comes back in and we go back up to the 20s.

If we stay low then the play will be to load up on the calls for the next wave up.

It just irks my sense of justice and fair play when thereis such obvious manipulation. "

"The continuing efforts to launch e-cash and microtransactions just shows how much of a need exists. Maybe now with the N*Able/Wave relationship, Compaq will have the technology that finally clicks."

" There was a strong spike in volume in the low 14's which is an indication of strength. I personaly feel that this market may have reached support based on the spike. This was pure margin selling where tens of thousnds of shares were dumped at the market. The fact that some short players came in and covered at 14.5 help to give us some support. One player btrd was selling at 17 7/8 and 17 3/8 came in and cought about 5 thousand shares at 14.50 today. Nice trade on his part. As far as margin goes every house is diffrent. Every time I saw wave falling (which seemed alot lately) I lightend up my position a bit to avoid a call. Still have a little buying power and an ulser. Last time we bounced to 27 off 12.5. With the right news hopefully we can bounce back into the 20's. Hey weve all seen wave go up 15 points in three days. Lets hope it happens again for all are sakes..."

"Just a tip of the hat to the faithful, oh-you-know-who-you-are and forgive me if I didn't give you billing here.

Anyway, if you're a new follower of WAVX, you rarely will find a more thoughtful, intelligent, and articulate group of posters on a stock thread.
As someone once said, Peter Sprague has to read the bulletin boards to find out what Wave's doing next!

The tenacity, technical prowess, convergent and divergent thinking generated here never cease to amaze me. Others must agree, as so many have been willing to SLOG (there's that word again) through the trite, the insulting, and the downright false posts that at which slammers are so prolific.

They can't keep this board down. Yahoo went to heck, we ran to RB. RB died, now we're here. Finding links, emailing reporters and analysts, attending meetings, beta testing the products, sleuthing.

Anyway, before I get too misty, I just want to say thanks to the regulars.If you're new to this board, you'll see what I mean soon enough."

" I think it will happen again. The MM's are trying like crazy to get the stock down under 15 if they can before this Friday. They will even settle for 14 and 31/32nds or anything that will let them be under 15 and make options expire worthless.

I predict that come Monday the price will once again be upward bound. This week is the week to pick up more stock if you can"

"If the money chip is in the cpq computer, I would imagine a bunch of bundled content ie: music games and movies (if equiped with dvd) will be included. Although the movies may be ahead of there time. I can imagine with circuit city dropping out of that server side dvd movie rental/purchase option it should be easy to line up those content providers."