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02/09/16 4:29 PM

#53189 RE: Rkmatters #53170

It's a fair topic to discuss how press releases affect stock prices.
My perception from reading AF's post and articles is that his view is that he's correct, and that the DCVax-L product is not much better, if any, from a placebo. -- RK

I wonder if AF view may have changed after viewing LL presentation, including that all patients are living longer.
Even AF might now have to admit that DCVax-L is likely working well in allowing patients to live longer than they would otherwise, but AF might now only have a position to fall back on that the trial might be "in trouble" due to it being a bit harder to figure out if the endpoints are stat sig.
If he realizes that DCVax-L is actually helping patients live longer, it is a bit hard for me to comprehend how he could be so ruthless (or worse) in trying to make NWBO odds look bad at every opportunity he sees.
"And of course he has nothing to gain by doing so".
I would think that if AF hypothetically had a loved family member whom was inflicted with GBM, he might be more anxious to see one of these treatments have made it to market (that helps patients live longer ... and likely with few side effects and perhaps better QoL compared to SoC).


02/09/16 4:36 PM

#53191 RE: Rkmatters #53170

I understand your point that Adam believes NWBO doesn't work. I get that as he has made that abundantly clear. I have no problem with someone who looks at all available info and draws a conclusion based upon that info-- even if It disagrees with mine.

Adam does not do that. He almost completely ignores the positive (or even neutral) info or he takes the positive info and twists it. There are times that he simply manufactures negative info that isn't based on any info and/or is actually contradicted by data (i.e. HE, PEI, grapefruit juice). Very seldom, if ever, do I remember Adam saying anything positive at all about any of NWBO's accomplishments. Clearly, RK, you have to see that.

All I am saying is that in the case of evaluating comments/positions of Adam F, there is nothing wrong with considering his motive since he has laid it bare for all to see. To not consider his previous statements and motives is not only inexcusable IMO, but absolutely necessary.

Just my 2 cents.