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02/03/16 9:30 PM

#71012 RE: hammy3777 #71011

Thanks to you hammy - if anyone came to me for advice, and it seems many do, on the issue of the post content in question, in good conscience, my response would be simple and very straightforward.

Stop immediately saying and writing what you are saying and writing because you are committing acts of slander and libel for which there is no foundation in truth. That will protect you for the future acts. Now, go to church and pray that the individuals you have committed slander and libel against do not sue your butt off for everything you have now and for the rest of your life for your past acts of slander and libel.

People who commit such acts of slander and libel believe they are impervious to being found and held to account. Not so. It is now very inexpensive to determine the location and identity of such a person and litigate against them. The general public is unaware that the courts are rapidly filling up with such litigation in our changing world and the decisions are being handed down quickly. The devastating thing for anyone defending against such litigation is that it is not a case of - he said, she said and where people may lie - it is in writing! It makes it much like a slam dunk for a judge and the plaintiff's counsel. The only thing a culprit's lawyer will say is, "what were you thinking you idiot?". Such cases are analogous to a slam dunk